
  • 300

    Life Expectancy

    Life Expectancy
    Average life expectancy is 30 years because of disease, starvation, and constant warfare.
  • 400


    1. Christian missionaries arrived in Ireland in the 400s to fulfill their life style.
  • Nov 3, 600


    1. Christians regarded Palestine, where Jesus lived and taught, as the Holy Land. Muslim Arabs conquered Palestine in 600s where christians and jews practice their religion of they paid taxes and observed other regulations
  • Nov 3, 1000


    “People rarely ate meat because they needed animals to help them work the fields and because they were not allowed to hunt on the lord's land.” 1000s
  • Nov 3, 1000

    Seljuk Turks

    Seljuk Turks
    For centuries Christian pilgrims visiting Palestine met with little interference from Arab rulers. European traders could generally do business there. During the 1000s, however Seljuk Turks, a warlike people from Central Asia who had adopted the Muslim faith, conquered Palestine and attacked Asia Minor, a part of the Byzantine Empire
  • Nov 3, 1000

    Viking Traders

    Viking Traders
    Before the year 1000, Viking traders from Kiev, in what is nou' Ukraine, traveled regularly to the Black Sea and on tc Constantinople to collect goods from the East.
  • Nov 3, 1001


    “Located on hills or in other places that were easy to defend, castles were built to resist attack, not for pleasant living.”
  • Nov 3, 1085

    Doomsday Book

    Doomsday Book
    To determine the population and wealth of England, William (ruled 1066-1087) sent out commissioners to gather information on everyone in the country. This information helped to determine his system of taxation. The survey became known as the Domesday Book (or doomsday Book).
  • Nov 3, 1095

    Clemont, France

    Clemont, France
    Pope Urban II was eager to regain the Holy Land from the Turks. He called a great meeting of church leaders and nobles at Clermont, France, in 1095. At the meeting he urged the powerful feudal nobles to stop fighting among themselves and to join in one great war to recover the Holy Land for Christians.
  • Nov 3, 1095

    Departure from Europe

    Departure from Europe
    In Europe the departure of many nobles and knights for the Crusades did much to strengthen the power of the kings and the middle classes. This hastened the decline of feudalism.
  • Nov 3, 1100

    Serfdom Declines

    Serfdom Declines
    could pay for use of lands in money rather than in labor
  • Nov 3, 1200


    mathematics in counting, calendars, trade, and measuring. 1200s
  • Nov 3, 1300


    Europeans learned many things from their time actively involved in the military, including the crossbow… a sophisticated bow and arrow held horizontally and fired by pulling a trigger 1300s
  • Period: Nov 3, 1337 to Nov 3, 1453

    Hundred Years' War

    brought death to England and France
  • Nov 3, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death= bubonic plague+pneumonic plague
    ⅓ of europe dies
    upper, lower class relations change bc fewer workers can demand higher wages
  • Nov 3, 1350

    handheld gun

    handheld gun 1350s
  • Period: Nov 3, 1455 to Nov 3, 1485

    War of Roses

  • Nov 3, 1500


    improved winches and pulleys, iron plows, and better yokes for oxen.
    windmills and waterwheels,invented in Asia, spread to Europe. 1500s
  • 700

    The church collected the tithe or 1/10 of a person’s income from all Christians
    Christian church became an economic power
  • Guilds

    late 900s merchant guilds form monopolies, regulate wages and set hours and conditions of labor, standards of quality, look after ill and family of deceased members
  • Europe

    1. Muslims came from north africa and terrorized the mediterranean coast, from the east came the Slavs who pressed into central Europe, also a new group of nomads, the Magyars who settled established a kingdom. Late 800s
  • England

    Missionaries were sent to England. Which led to the acceptance of christianity in England. 597.
  • New Tpwns

    1. people settled in new towns that grew up at locations important for trade- natural harbors, the mouth of rivers, and cargo transfer points. Late 900s
  • Viking Migration

    Viking Migration
    During the 800s a growing population apparently, caused a serious food shortage in Scandinavia. Many Vikings sailed from their homeland in search of food and treasure. They sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to Iceland, and then on to Greenland and North America. In time the Vikings settled in England, Ireland, France. and eastem Europe; later, they settled in other parts of Europe.
  • Middle Class

    Middle Class
    middle class = class of merchants, master workers, and skilled workers
  • New Towns and Cities

    New Towns and Cities
    Beginning in the late 900s, existing towns began to grow larger. New towns grew up at locations important for trade, natural harbors, the mouths of rivers, and cargo transfer points