"Word Blindness" identified by Adolf Kussamaul
A German neurologist by the name of Adolf Kussamaul described what he referred to as word blindness as an individual's inability to, or difficulty, reading without difficulties in speech, vision, or intellectual abilities. -
Dyslexia- Rudolf Berlin
A German doctor, by the name of Rudolf Berlin, develops the term dyslexia to replace the term word blindness. A difficulty with print but no visual or speech difficulties. -
Developmental dyslexia described in a medical journal by Dr. Pringle-Morgan, a
In the British Medical Journal, a fourteen year old was described as having word blindness, or dyslexia, while being intelligent. -
Theory of reason or cause of reading difficulties provided by Dr. Samuel Orton.
An American neurologist by the name of Dr. Samuel Orton provided a theory behind learning difficulties that focused on the brain hemispheres. Dr. Orton also suggested a multi-sensory approach to reading, some of which is still used today. -
Brown v the Board of Education
The term learning disabilities is used for the first time.
“Exploration into the Problems of the Perceptually Handicapped Child" was held in Chicago, Dr. Samuel Kirk coined the term learning disabilities. -
Association for Children with Learning Disabilities (ACLD) is formed.
Association for Children with Learning Disabilities is formed, this organization is now known as Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA). https://ldaamerica.org/about-us/history/ -
Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act
Congress passed the Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act which defines learning disabilities and mandates services for students with specific learning disabilities. -
Congress passes the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
Otherwise known as Public Law 94-142. States are required to provide a free and appropriate education for all children from ages 5 to 18. Signed by Gerald Ford. -
Learning Disability research is expanded.
Learning Disability research is expanded as a result of a report released by the Interagency Committee on Learning Disabilities. -
IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is passed, this renamed as well as replaced Education for All Handicapped Children. -
MRI used to look at how learning disabilities impact brain.
Dr. Guinevere Eden used MRIs to look at how the brains of individuals with dyslexia function. -
IDEA is reauthorized
Increased access to general education curriculum. Statewide and district wide assessments. -
No Child Left Behind Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
Alignments of IDEA with No Child Left Behind. Can use response to intervention as part of determination of specific learning disability. -
Gene related to dyslexia is identified by researchers at Yale.
Dyslexia research at Georgetown.
Dr. Guinevere Eden researches the differences between male and female brains of individuals with dyslexia. -
Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015
Passed by Congress and signed by President Obama. Replaces No Child Left Behind.