• 8088

    Intel 8088 processor
    Introduced 1979
    Initial clock speed
    5 MHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology

    A pivotal sale to IBM's new personal
    computer division made the Intel®
    8088 processor the brains of IBM's
    new hit product--the IBM PC.
  • 286

    Intel 286 processor
    Introduced 1982
    Initial clock speed
    6 MHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel 286 was the first
    Intel processor that could
    run all the software written
    for its predecessor.
  • 386

    Intel 386 processor
    Introduced 1985
    Initial clock speed
    16 MHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel 386 processor could run multiple
    software programs at once and featured
    275,000 transistors—more than 100 times
    as many as the original Intel 4004.
  • 486

    Intel 486 processor
    Introduced 1989
    Initial clock speed
    25 MHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology

    The Intel 486 introduced the integrated
    floating point unit. This generation of
    computers really allowed users to go from
    a command level computer into point and
    click computing.
  • Pentium

    Intel Pentium processor
    Introduced 1993
    Initial clock speed
    66 MHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel Pentium processor, executing
    112 million commands per second, allowed
    computers to more easily incorporate "real
    world" data such as speech, sound,
    handwriting and photographic images
  • Pentium Pro

    Intel Pentium Pro processor
    Introduced 1995
    Initial clock speed
    200 MHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Pentium Pro processor delivered
    more performance than previous
    generation processors through an
    innovation called Dynamic Execution.
    This made possible the advanced 3D
    visualization and interactive capabilities.
  • Pentium II

    Intel Pentium II processor
    Intel Pentium II Xeon processor
    Introduced 1997
    Initial clock speed
    300 MHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel Pentium II processor’s significant
    performance improvement over previous
    Intel-Architecture processors was based on
    the seamless combination of the P6
    microarchitecture and Intel MMX media
    enhancement technology.
  • Pentium III

    Intel Pentium III processor
    Intel Pentium III Xeon processor
    Introduced 1999
    Initial clock speed
    500 MHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel Pentium III processor executed
    Internet Streaming SIMD Extensions,
    extended the concept of processor
    identification and utilized multiple
    low-power states to conserve power
    during idle times.
  • Pentium 4

    Intel Pentium 4 processor
    Introduced 2000
    Intel Xeon processor
    Introduced 2001
    Initial clock speed
    1.5 GHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel Pentium 4 processor
    ushers in the advent of the
    nanotechnology age.
  • Pentium M

    Intel Pentium M processor
    Introduced - 2002
    Initial Clock Speed
    1.7 GHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel Pentium M processor, the Intel
    855 chipset family, and the Intel
    PRO/Wireless 2100 network connection are
    the three components of Intel Centrino
    processor technology. Intel Centrino
    processor technology was designed
    specifically for portable computing.
  • Itanium 2

    Intel Itanium 2 processor
    Introduced 2002
    Initial clock speed
    1 GHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel Itanium 2 processor is the
    successor of the first Itanium processor.
    The architecture is based on Explicitly Parallel
    Instruction Computing (EPIC). It is theoretically
    capable of performing roughly 8 times more
    work per clock cycle than other CISC and RISC
  • Pentium D

    Intel Pentium D processor
    Introduced 2005
    Initial clock speed
    3.2 GHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Intel Pentium D processor features
    the first desktop duel-core design with two
    complete processor cores, that each run at
    the same speed, in one physical package.
  • Core 2 Duo

    Intel Core 2 Duo processor
    Intel Core2 Extreme processor
    Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor
    Introduced 2006
    Initial clock speed
    2.93 GHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    Intel Core2 Duo processor optimizes
    mobile microarchitecture of the Intel
    Pentium M processor and enhanced it
    with many microarchitecture innovations.
    Intel Centrino Pro and Intel vPro
    processor technology provide excellent
    performance from the Dual-Core Intel
    Core2 Duo processor.
  • Dual-Core Intel Itanium 2

    Dual-Core Intel Itanium 2 processor 9000 series
    Introduced 2006
    Initial clock speed
    1.66 GHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    Dual-Core Intel Itanium 2 processor 9000 series
    outperforms the earlier, single-core version of the
    Itanium 2 processors. With more than 1.7 billion
    transistors and with two execution cores, these
    processors double the performance of previous
    Itanium processors while reducing average power
  • Core2 Quad

    Intel Core2 Quad processors
    Introduced 2007
    Initial clock speed
    2.66 GHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    The Quad-Core Intel Xeonprocessor provides
    50 percent greater performance than industry leading
    Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor in the
    same power envelope. The quad-core-based
    servers enable more applications to run with a
    smaller footprint
  • Quad-Core Intel Xeon

    Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor (Penryn)
    Introduced 2007
    Initial clock speed
    3 GHz
    Number of transistors
    Manufacturing technology
    Intel’s next generation Intel Core™2 processor
    family, codenamed "Penryn", contains
    industry-leading microarchitecture
    enhancements. Further, new SSE4 instructions
    for improved video, imaging, and 3D content
    performance and new power management
    features will extend “Penryn” processor family
    leadership in performance and energy efficiency.