Integrating refugees

  • My plan

    My plan is to give solutions to numerous problems regarding the integration of refugees in my town and how we can make that integration an easy task for us and for them as well
  • How many refugees can be integrated in our town?

    How many refugees can be integrated in our town?
    We live in a small city called Kozani with a population of over 70.000 people. Considering the fact that we are a kind of big city i think we could easily welcome at least a thousand at first and depending on future data we could be able to bring in even more and that leads us to the next question which is
  • 3rd parties that can help

    My school. Im studying in one of the most well-developed schools in our city and i believe it can help. Its a pretty big place and i believe we could take some of the space that remains unused and transform it into small classes for refugees. Although that may not be a very good idea as it would only cover a small percentage of the refugees but its better than nothing. Other than the only way i can think of my school helping is by funding small projects that they may create and help them overall
  • Benefits for our local community

    I believe an integration like that could only benefit our community positively and that can be achieved by helping them join our community. There are various clubs here in kozani that could host some pretty fun events that would bring everyone closer and it would make the refugees feel more safe and comfortable around us. Other than that time is a serious factor and its the only thing that will slowly bring us all together. But as i mentioned above the outcome will only be positive
  • How can that help us and economically-wise and develop a good entrepreneurship

    Here we have a lot of stores and factories that refugees can work at even if they dont acquire the skill set. Just once you exit the city you come across a ton of holdings. Refugees can become farmers and work at those fields. If we think about doing something as a whole then we could consider funding a big project and making something on those field. That could be a great starter for them and teach them the basics about businesses and once theyve raised money they can build their own businesses