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  • 1 BCE

    mesopotamian instruments

    mesopotamian instruments
    there are instruments like a. harp
    b. lyre
    c. drums
    d. lute
    e. wood wind-instruments
  • 2

    indus valley civilisations instruments

    indus valley civilisations instruments
    the instruments are a. Tata Vadya - stringed instruments
    b. Sushira Vadya - wind instruments
    c.Avanaddha Vadya - percussion instruments
    d. Ghana Vadya - solid instruments that do not need tuning
    e. They had harps
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    egyptian instruments

    egyptian instruments
    the instruments are a. drums
    b. trumpets - bronze
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    mayan instruments

    mayan instruments
    the instruments are a. drums - wood
    b. trumpets - is made of wood or clay
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    chinese instruments

    chinese instruments
    the instruments are a. xun
    b. xiao
    c. sheng
    d. pipa
    e. guzheng
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    greek instruments

    greek instruments
    the instruments are A. Membranophones - drum instruments -
    a. Daouli
    b. Defi
    c. Toumbi
    B. Aerophones - wind instruments
    a. Floyera
    b. Tzamara
    c. Gavali
    d. Karamoudza
    e. Thiambioli
    f. Tsabouna Crete
    C. Chordophones - stringed instruments
    a. Lyra Pontos
    b. Lyra Crete
    c. Outi
    e. Baglamas
    f. Tzouras
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    persian instruments

    persian instruments
    the instruments are a. daf
    b. oud
    c. ney
    d. dohol
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    roman instruments

    roman instruments
    the instruments are a. flute
    b. tuba
    c. cornu
    d. litus
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    Aztecs instruments

    Aztecs instruments
    the instruments were a. clay flute
    b. drums
    c. rattles shakers
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    incas instruments

    incas instruments
    the instruments were a . flutes
    b . Quena - wind instruments
    c . ocarina
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    1800 instruments from india

    1800 instruments from india
    there are instruments like a. dholak
    b. tabala
    c. damroo
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    1900 instruments

    1900 instruments
    the instruments are a. Désilets - wireless organ - desinged to create musical tones - made in canada
    b.piano - 1920 - made in America
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    2000 instruments

    2000 instruments
    the instruments are a.drums
    b. guitar
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    2017 instruments

    2017 instruments
    there are instruments like a. guitar
    b. drums
    c. flute