Instructional Model Timeline

  • Instructional Model built into Strategic Plan

  • Teachers begin development work on a learning sequence

  • First draft on the learning sequence

    First draft on the learning sequence within the Instructional Model is sent our for ratification by teachers
  • Learning sequence is ratified by Staff

  • Staff begin fleshing out GENAR.

  • All teachers are expected to start using GENAR

  • Draft Instructional Model (fleshed out) presented to KLA's for feedback

  • Instructional Model is ratified by KLA's

  • Activity Bank/Professional Development

    Activity Bank Created for teachers to share activities at each learning stage, teachers continue work developing and improving their lessons using GENAR
  • Student role development/focus groups begin

    Students have worked to develop guiding questions for the student posters
  • Professional development sessions continue

  • Illustration competition for GENAR icons opens up

    Students could participate in an illustration competition to create the students poster icons for GENAR
  • Student poster finished and sent off to marketing company

  • Staff begin to create continuum for progress on GENAR

  • Teacher begin to build a teaching and learning framework that supports GENAR

  • Parent surveys begin

  • GENAR student posters go up in every classroom

  • Student and Parent GENAR information sessions begin

  • Formal student data collection begins

  • GENAR targeted workshops begin

  • Teachers use continuum evaluate progress on GENAR