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Instructional Design and Technology Timeline

By Skyerra
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    Audiovisual Instruction Movement and Instructional Radio

    The motion picture projector was one of the first media devices used in school. The visual of movement did grow. Technological advances in titled areas as radio broadcasting, sound recordings, and sound motion pictures led to increased interest in instructional media.
  • World War II

    World War II
    The federal government established the Division of Visual Aids for War Training. The effect of these films also played an important role in preparing U.S. civilians to work in industry ” (Reiser and Dempsey, 2017).
  • B.F Skinner

    B.F Skinner
    His theory is based upon the idea that learning is a function of change in overt behavior. He developed behavior analysis around the philosophy of radical behaviorism. Skinner published the article "The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching"
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    Instructional Technology: The Design Process

    During the 60s and 70's a number of leaders in the field of education began discussing instructional technology in a different way. Lumsdaine (1964), indicated that educational technology could be thought of as the application of science to instructional practices (Reiser and Dempsey, 2017).
  • First published definition by Department of Audiovisual Instruction

    The Association for Educational Communications found a way of looking at instructional problems and examining solutions to the problems
  • Robert M. Gagné

    Robert M. Gagné
    Robert Gagné published the first edition of "The Conditions of Learning". He pioneered the science of instruction during World War II when he worked with Army Air Crops training pilots.
  • Cognitive Information Processing

    Cognitive Information Processing Theory focuses on the environment as playing an important role in learning. This theory focused on a memory system sensory, short-term, and long-term memory. Atkinson and Shriffin (1968) proposed a multistage, multistory theory of memory that is generally regarded as the basis for information processing theory.
  • ADDIE Model first appeared created by the Center for Educational Technology at Florida State University for the U.S. Army

    ADDIE is an acronym for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. Based on a systematic product development concept.
  • Zone of Proximal Development

    Zone of Proximal Development
    Vygotsky theoretical work led people to think differently about learning, assessment, and development.
  • Using Computers for Instructional Purposes

    Using Computers for Instructional Purposes
    By January 1983, computers were being used for instructional purposes in more than 40% of all elementary schools and more than 75% of all secondary schools in the United States (Center for Social Organization of Schools, 1983).
  • School Museums

    School Museums
    First school museum opened in St. Louis in 1905. Museums served as the central administrative unit for visual instruction by distrubitinon of portable museum exhibits, stenographs. slides, films, study prints, charts, and other instructional materials.
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    Theory of Informal Learning

    Learning that takes place outside a dedicated learning environment and which arises from the activities and interests of individuals and groups, but which may not be recognized as learning. This type of formal learning provides a series of guided tutorials that the public can use at their convenience that will allows development of practice and skills that can be taken at the pace of the learners to understand how to complete the tasks given.
  • Association of Education Communication and Technology (AECT)

    AECT published Instructional Technology theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.
  • Instructional Design in the Twenty First-Century

    Increase use of the internet as a means of presenting instruction to learners.
    Significant growth in online learning in higher education, business and industry and K-12 schools.
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    Problem Based Learning (PBL): Essential Design Characteristics

    PBL has been gaining popular in both K-12 and higher learning contexts. PBL represents a student-centered instructional approach designed to facilitate students active construction of knowledge through deep engagement with meaningful problems.
  • Design- Based Research and Educational Technology: Rethinking Technology and Research Agenda

    An emerging framework that can guide better educational research by “addressing complex problems in real context in collaboration with practitioners; integrating known and hypothetical design principles with technological advance to render plausible solutions to these complex environments as well as to define new design principles” (Amiel and Reeves, 2008).
  • The Development and Evolution of Human Performance Improvement

    Van Tiem, Moseley and Dessinger (2012) provides a meaning capturing "the systematic process of linking business goals and strategies with the workforce responsible for achieving the goals".
  • Active learning classrooms (ALC)

    The active learning classroom (ALC) model, developed at the University Minnesota, places a teacher station in the middle of a set of nine person round tables, with generous access to to technology for instructor and students.