Instructional Design

  • The Visual Instruction Movement and Instructional Films

    The Visual Instruction Movement and Instructional Films
    The early part of the 20th century, most media housed in school museums were visual media, such as films, slides, and photos. The first motion picture projector was one of the first media devices used in schools. During a ten-year period (1914-1923), the visual instruction movement did grow.
  • The Audiovisual Instruction Movement and Instructional Radio

    The Audiovisual Instruction Movement and Instructional Radio
    During the 1920's and through much of the 1930's, technological advances in such areas such as radio broadcasting, sound recordings, and sound motion pictures led to increased interest in instructional media. With the advent of media incorporating sound, the visual instruction movement became known as the audiovisual instruction movement.
  • Instructional Technology Viewed As a Process.

    Instructional Technology Viewed As a Process.
    Starting in the 1950's, 60's, and 70's a number of leaders in the field of education began discussing instructional technology differently. Rather than viewing it as media, they discussed it as a process
  • Instructional Television

    Instructional Television
    It is said that perhaps the most important factor to affect the audiovisual movement on the 1950's were the increased interest was the television as a medium for delivering instruction
  • The Programmed Instruction Movement

    The Programmed Instruction Movement
    This movement ran from the mid-1950s through the '60s. It was another major factor in the development of the systems approach. "The Science of Learning and The Art of Teaching" was an article by Skinner and it began a major revolution in the field of education. He stated that material such as programmed instructional materials should present instruction in small steps.
  • Instructional Technology: Artificial Intelligence

    Instructional Technology: Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial Intelligence can save a teacher time by doing the grading and giving feedback on their behalf. It provides greater insights into a student's learning patterns. The birth of artificial intelligence was in (1952-1956) It was named Logic Theorist. The program had proved 38 of 52 mathematical theorems.
  • The Criterion-Referenced Testing Movement

    The Criterion-Referenced Testing Movement
    A criterion-referenced test is intended is intended to measure how well an individual can perform a particular behavior or set of behaviors, retrospective of how well others perform.
  • Instructional Design: Kemp Model

    Instructional Design: Kemp Model
    The Kemp Instructional Design Model is an instructional method that draws from a number of disciplines and approaches to instructional design. The framework outlines nine circular, non-linear stages that allow the instructional designer to do a number of things. It was created by Martin Jon Kemp in 1961
  • Instructional Design: The ADDIE model

    Instructional Design: The ADDIE model
    This is a process model developed for and adopted by the military to hasten the production of training materials, often by persons having less than a thorough background in instructional design. It is a logical and well-thought-out process. ADDIE ranges from linear to amorphous.
  • Beyond viewing Instructional Technology As a process

    Beyond viewing Instructional Technology As a process
    From 1977-mid-1990's there were many developers affected that affected the field of instructional technology. The profession was also greatly influenced by technological advances such as the microcomputer, interactive video, CD-ROM, and the Internet.
  • Instructional Technology: 3D printing.

    Instructional Technology: 3D printing.
    3D printing has already seen an impressive application in the world at large. According to Forbes, 3D printers have been able to create anything from car parts to artificial organs. 3D printing reaches both visual and kinesthetic learners. It was created by Chuck Hull in 1983.
  • Instructional Technology: Digital Readers and Tablets

    Instructional Technology: Digital Readers and Tablets
    Schools are looking to replace the bulkier hard-copy textbooks with digital ones that are accessible via a tablet. What they do is eliminate the need for students to carry around a heavy backpack. full of books
  • Instructional Design in the Twenty-First Century

    Instructional Design in the Twenty-First Century
    It was in the first 15 years of the twenty-first century, several developments have had an influence on the field of instructional design. One such development involves the increasing use of the internet as means of presenting instruction to learners.
  • Instructional Technology: iPad

    Instructional Technology: iPad
    In basic terms, the iPad is a tablet or slate computer. Upon the release of the original iPad, Apple formally declared that it is "magical and revolutionary" device for browsing the web or reading and sending email along with other functions
  • Instructional Design: The SAM model (alternative to ADDIE model.

    Instructional Design: The SAM model (alternative to ADDIE model.
    SAM is a process model for design and development, but not a design model per see. SAM provides support and benefits to many if not all models of instruction. There are two versions of SAM. A (basic two-phased) version and an (extended three phrase version