Founder Jack Heath's cousin committed suicide
After the suicide of his cousin, founder Jack Heath knew he wanted to use the media to support mental health and well being to young adults. -
Inspire Foundation was launched
The ReachOut website was launched in Australia, because their suicide rate had been climbing. -
ReachOut begins to expand to the U.S.
In 2006, founder Jack Heath hired a U.S. based nonprofit strategic consulting firm to find out if there was a program such as ReachOut in the U.S. and found that there was not. -
Macquarie Group Foundation supports ReachOut in US
The Macquarie Group Foundation started providing funding to Inspire USA for custom media tools in the U.S. for young adults. -
ReachOut.Com launched
ReachOut.com is the Inspire USA Foundation’s primary online platform and avenue of outreach. -
Inspire releases 'ReachOut Reads'
The Inspire USA Foundation expanded from their website and released a list of recommended young adult fiction titles dealing with a range of issues, such as depression, which can lead to suicide. -
"We Can Help Us" Campaign launches
In collaboration with SAMHSA, the Ad Council and DDB, the Inspire USA Foundation launched a public service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to reduce the incidence of suicide and suicide attempts among teens in the U.S. -
Inspire USA Receives Grant From StumbleUpon
The Inspire USA Foundation received a $5,000 advertising grant from StumbleUpon to increase the organization’s awareness throughout September, which is Suicide Prevention Month. StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that recommends the best mobile and web content for every user.