
Inquiry Homework

  • Brainstorm for Ideas

    Today Tom, Vincent and Jney brainstormed some ideas for what our inquiry is going to be on!
  • Period: to

    Inquiry Unit

    Inquiry Unit by Jney, Vincent and Tom.
  • Decisons x3

    We decided our 3 decision and thats a fact. We are also making the timeline and our planning. We have decided to do NZ Immigration, North Koreans and Criminal Behaviour for our Inquiry unit 2:22 p.m
    V.H T.K
  • Research

    Everyone researches their subject
  • Tom, Vincent and Jney

    Tom does research on North Korea decision
    Vincent Does "Murders or deaths"
    Jney does "Immigration to NZ"
  • Power Point

    We are going to make our powerpoint
  • Finish Powerpoint

    We finish our poiwer point
  • Finishing touches and practices

    WE will be doing finishing touches by fixing things, decorating etc.