
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Robert Fulton
    August 17, 1807
    New York
    Steam Engines impacted American Society because they were the first successful engine invented. They were used to power trains, ships, and factories. Steam engines are still used today, but for other purposes. They are used to power nuclear power plants.
  • Steamboat

    Robert Fulton
    August 17, 1807
    New, York
    The steamboat was used for transporting goods up and down rivers and water ways. Steamboats also sped up the travel time for travelers and it revolutionized river travel. Steamboats are still used today, but there are many new and different boats that have improved the steamboat.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    DeWitt Clinton and other builders
    October 26, 1825
    New York
    The Erie Canal was built to connect the Hudson River to the Great Lakes. This canal was helpful for transportation and trades. The Erie Canal is still used today and is a tourist spot, so many people can visit it.
  • Railroads

    South Carolina canals and railroads
    October 7, 1826
    Quincy, Massachusetts
    Railroads impacted American society because it helped advance the transportation of goods. The only other transportation was by canal, but by having railroads, it made it quicker to transport goods to other places. Also, railroads can be used all year long. Railroads are still used today and is considered a major way of transportation.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    Cyrus McCormick
    June 21, 1834
    The mechanical reaper has impacted American society because it was the first device that harvests crops mechanically. This sped up the production of harvesting crops and allowed for higher rates of agricultural production. This product is not exactly used today, but there are many models that are similar to the mechanical reaper.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    John Deere
    Grand Detour, Ilinois
    The Steel Plow impacted American society because this tool helped break up tough soil and the soil wouldn't get stuck to it. John Deere sold this to farmers because it would help them with their farmwork. Steel plows are still used today, but there are multiple different models of it to make farming easier.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel F.B. Morse
    June 10, 1840
    New York
    The telegraph impacted American society by being able to carry messages across copper wires. Years after it was invented it spread across cities along the East Coast and was used by many business workers to communicate with each other. Telegraphs are still used today, but not too many people use it because of telephones and other communication divices.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel F.B. Morse
    June 20, 1840
    New York
    Morse code was helpful because it was an operator that was able to translate codes into an understandable language in only a short amount of time. This was the first instant electronic communicator. Morse code is still used today in the army in order to send messages without other people knowing what it says.
  • Vulcanized Rubber

    Vulcanized Rubber
    Charles Goodyear
    June 24, 1844
    Springfield, Massachusetts
    The impact that this product had on American society is that it did not freeze in the cold or melt in the hot weather. People first used vulcanized rubber to protect their boots, but then was used for automobile tires. This product is still used today for car tires.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Isaac Merritt Singer
    August 12, 1851
    The sewing machine helped people produce clothing faster than they had before. The sewing machine then led to the factory production of clothing and lowered the price of clothing so people could afford to buy it. This product is still used today, but it is now easier to use.