Iphone 12 pro

Innovation Timeline of the iPhone

  • iPhone Generation 1

    iPhone Generation 1
    According to Steve Jobs, the original iPhone was the original iPod with touch controls, a breakthrough internet communications device with web browsing, desktop class email, searching, and maps. It's notable specs were a 2 megapixel camera, Samsung 32-bit processor, 8 GB option for storage, and GPS.
  • Release of iPhone 4

    Release of iPhone 4
    The iPhone 4 was significant because it was the first time Apple had made a complete rework of their design. (Estimated to have around 100 new features than the previous model - the 3GS) The most innovative thing to come from the iPhone 4 was the addition of Facetime, creating a brand new way to communicate with others.
  • Release of iPhone 5

    Release of iPhone 5
    The iPhone 5 was a significant improvement from it's previous model because it was the first phone to make use of fast new LTE networks offered by AT&T and Verizon back then. The iPhone 5 was the lightest iPhone ever released because touch sensors were integrated into the screen, making it thinner.
  • Release of iPhone 5S

    Release of iPhone 5S
    The iPhone 5S, an improved version of the iPhone 5, was innovative in a way that changed the way to unlock our phones forever. It introduced Biometrics, adding a fingerprint sensor in the home button of the iPhone 5S, and could instantaneously unlock the phone just by pressing the button.
  • Release of iPhone SE

    Release of iPhone SE
    The iPhone SE was produced to provide a more affordable, compact, and lightweight phone. It came with a 4 inch screen and increased hardware potential of the iPhone 6 and 6S. SE standing for "Special Edition".
  • Release of iPhone X

    Release of iPhone X
    The iPhone X was so different compared to the previous models, which had just been improved slightly year after year, that it's considered the turning point the history of the iPhone. It was drastically different, coming with hardware having twice the display and overall performance than it's previous generation. It came with revolutionary tech never seen in a mobile device. dubbed "Face ID" using facial recognition software to unlock the iPhone X instead of your finger.
  • Release of iPhone 12 Pro

    Release of iPhone 12 Pro
    The iPhone 12 Pro series, following the release of the iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12, had a controversial design surrounding it's cameras. A few generations up from the iPhone X now, it followed the same steady display and hardware upgrades, but it added a 3 camera system with additional sensors for studio level media capture. It's the newest model as of the date typing this (September 8, 2021), and is used by every loyal Apple fan, like myself.