The Computer (DEC PDP1)
DEC PDP1 was the first personal computer system that sold about $120,000. It included cathode ray tube graphic displays, paper tape input/output and required one operator. More than 50 PDP-1’s were sold. The first computerized video game was made. -
First Computer Game Space Wars Feb 1 1962
Space Wars was released in Feb. 1962. The Game ran on the DEC PDP -1 computer. The game consisted
of two spaceships that maneuvered around a star that pulled at the ships with gravity. The goal of the
game was to avoid colliding with the star while trying to shoot the other ship. The game was created by
Steve Russell -
Compact Disk 1965
The first compact disk was invented by James Russell and was granted a total of 22 patents. The compact disk however did not become popular until the 1980s. The CD is a popular form of digital storage media use for computer files, pictures and music. -
First Computer Mouse
In 1968, the computer mouse invented by Douglas Carl Engelbart born (Jan. 30, 1925 to July 2, 2013), an American Engineer, as well as a early computer and internet pioneer. He is best known for his work in an Augmentation Research Center in STRI International. This is were he invented the Computer Mouse, and the development of hypertext, networked computers, and precursors to graphical user interfaces. -
ARPAnet (first internet) invented Jan 1 1969
ARPAnet is the grandfather of the Internet. It was made in 1969. ARPAnet was created to protect the flow on information between military installations by creating a network. of geographically separated computers.