Initial Timeline

  • Ralph Tyler

    Ralph Tyler
    Dubbed "Father of the Behavioral Objectives Movement" Ralph Tyler concluded "Each objective must be defined to clarify the kind of behavior in which the course should help to develop."
  • WWII

    Large number of psychologists & educators including Gagné, Briggs, and Flanagan among others, were called on to conduct research and develop training materials for military services. They developed programs to test trainees intellectual, psychomotor, and perceptual skills.
  • American Institutes for Research

    American Institutes for Research
    B.F. Skinner pens article "The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching." PResents ideas for increasing human learning and desired characteristics of effective instructional materials
  • Benjamin Bloom

    Benjamin Bloom
    Bloom writes "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives." He holds that within the cognitive domain there are various types of leraning outcomes. Objectives could be classified according to type of learner behavior described and ther is a hierarchical relationship among various outcomes. He believed tests should be designed to measure outcomes.
  • Sputnik

    U.S. is shocked by the Soviet Union's success of launching satellite. U.S. pours millions of revenue into math and science education.
  • Emergence of Criterion Referenced Testing

    Emergence of Criterion Referenced Testing
  • Robert Mager

    Robert Mager
    Mager writes "Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction." The book describes how to write objectives that include a description of desired learner behaviors, conditions under which behaviors are performed, and the criteria by which behaviors are judged.
  • Gagné Conditions of Learning

    Gagné Conditions of Learning
    Gagné proposes 5 domains of learning outcomes: Verbal Information, intellectual skills, psychomotor skills, attitudes, cognitive strategies
  • Gagné, Glaser, Silvern Coin Terms

    Gagné, Glaser, Silvern Coin Terms
    Terms like instructional design, system development, systematic instruction, instructional system are used to describe instructional models
  • Expansion in All Areas

    Expanded interest of instructional design models by military branches, businesses and industry to improve quality of training
  • More advancements

    More advancements
    Interest in how principles of cognitive psychology could be applied to the instructional design process. There is an increased interest in the use of microcomputers for instructional purposes. There is a new performance technology movement.
  • Technological Growth

    Technological Growth
    The performance technology movement broadens the scope of the instructional design field.
    -There is a growing interest in constructivism, and an emphasis on designing authentic learning tasks, tasks that reflect the complexity of the real world environment.
    -rowth of electronic support systems
    -rapid prototyping
    -use of internet for distance learning
  • Knowledge Movement

    Knowledge Movement
    Rossett claims to identify, document, disseminate explicit and tacit knowledge in organizations to improve the performance of the organization.