
Initial and Long Range Plans for Classroom Blogging

  • Before the School Year Starts

    Before the School Year Starts
    Teacher will explore, research and practice using the classroom blog and getting the classroom blog site "web ready"
  • Week 1 and 2

    Week 1 and 2
    1. Administer survey that focuses on the availability of student access to the internet
    2. Explore the new district site
    3. Reserve the computer (Fridays, all class hour)
    4. Practice responses to a discussion question on the blog
    5. Discuss and practice digital citizenship
  • Week 3 through 6

    Week 3 through 6
    1. Reserve computer lab one day per week (Fridays, second half of class)
    2. Give students the discussion question/problem ahead of time and allow them to read, write and respond on paper before going to the computer lab.
    3. Bring students into the computer lab and have them post their response to the blog question/problem
  • Week 7 and 8

    Week 7 and 8
    1. Reserve computer lab one day per week (day doesn’t matter, second half of class)
    2. Using blog posts and responses from weeks 3 through 6, have students post a follow up to a student’s response
    3. Show students how to access the site through their personal internet devices. *If students have smartphones, allow them to practice posting a follow up in class using their phone
  • Week 9

    Week 9
    1. Reserve computer lab on Monday, have students post their response to the blog question/problem.
    2. Assign students to post one follow up to a student response, due by Friday.
  • Week 10 through 16

    Week 10 through 16
    1. Continue the routine of posting the blog question/problem on Mondays.
    2. Have students respond to the blog by Wednesdays.
    3. Have students post two follow ups to student responses by Fridays.
  • Week 16

    Week 16
    Administer survey of the effectiveness of blog use
  • Week 17

    Week 17
    1. Make any changes/accommodations that survey results indicate.
    2. Continue blog posting routine.
  • Week 17 through 20

    Week 17 through 20
    1. Continue blog posting routine.
    2. Require students to post three follow ups to student responses.
  • Week 20 through remainder of the School Year

    Week 20 through remainder of the School Year
    1. Post two different blog questions, require students to respond and discuss only one of them.
    2. Continue blog posting routine and require student to post three follow ups to student responses.
  • Week 36

    Week 36
    Administer survey at the end of the school year that provides feedback about the blog use.