
  • 1485

    English Renassaance

    English Renassaance
    the English Renaissance begins in Englad in the late 15th century.
    it's a cultural moviment , it is a characterised by.
    rebirth of classical learning and humamism, which places man at the centre of intellectual inquiry
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    Elizabeth I was Queen of England and Ireland, her sister Mary I succeeded and her reign was long
  • 1564

    William Shekespeare

    William Shekespeare
    Shakespeare composed many plays, the most famous being Romeo and Juliet.
    builds a new theater "the globe"
  • English victory

    English victory
    England with Elizabeth I wins against the Spanish fleet and has dominion of the seas
  • James I

    James I
    it's first monarch to unite the crowns of England and Scotland.
    He imposes absolute monarchy .He fears the Protestant and unleashes a violent repression against them.
  • Charles I

    Charles I
    He believes in the divine rights of the king, opposed by those who want his power to be limited by parliament.
    Tensions between royalists and parliamentarians, civil war breaks out in 1642 and the united republic of England, Scotland and Ireland is born
  • Execution of Charles I

    Execution of Charles I
    he was sentenced to death and executed
  • Charles II

    Charles II
    the aristocracy supported it, but the bourgeois did not and therefore divided into two classes. Tories who wanted change and whings who wanted to limit the king. The Whings win and Charles dissolves parliament
  • The great plague

    The great plague
    the Black Death killed many people and decimated the population
  • James II

    James II
    James II pursues absolutist goals. He appeals to the Tories and the Catholic Church but the Anglican clergy and the Whigs oppose
  • William III

    William III
    William defeats Jame's army.
    with he freedom of worship guaranteed by the toleration act.
  • Queen Anne

    Queen Anne
    Queen Anne creates the Kingdom of Great Britain and is the last Stuart monarch.
  • George I

    George I
    He has knowledge neither of the language nor of the costums of his british subjects,therefore the government begins to meet whithout the king
  • George II

    George II
    with him Britain extends its colonial territories