Mi vida

  • 7

    My birth

    Mi birth was in the afternoon on April 4,2007 at the Magdalena clinic .I was filled with pride and happiness bye My parents since l was the firstborn.
  • My first student stage.

    My first student stage, which began at the age of 5, was a very gratifyng experience because I was one of the students with the best grades
  • My fifth grade graduation .

    My fifth grade graduation was a wonderful moment that filled me with feelings like fear, uncertainty ando joy for doing a good jod as a student
  • My first two years studying at Camilo Torres Restrepo secondary school

    My first two years studying in the Camilo Torres we're very bad and I did very badly in the academic sense and My grades dropped a lot.
  • The Coronavirus pandemic

    My gang was a very shocking event for many,since wey could take care of ourselves from the Coronavirus , we had to go into quarantine ando that caused me a lot of stress and anxiety
  • My tenth experience

    Tenth for me has been one of my greatest stages.