Info tech uno

  • The Complex Number Calculator

    The Complex Number Calculator
    In 1940, the complex number calculator was unveiled at an American Mathematical Society conference at Dartmouth college. It was able to perform calculations remotely using a Teletype terminal.
  • ERA 1101 introduced

    ERA 1101 introduced
    One of the very first commercial computers, the company's first customer was the US Navy. It was designed by the ERA and produced by Remington-Rand, meant to be able to hold 1 million bits.
  • First Univac 1 delivered to US Census Bureau

    First Univac 1 delivered to US Census Bureau
    The Univac 1 was the first computer to attract worldwide attention. The first major customers were utilities, insurance companies and the US military.
  • IBM 726 Magnetic Tape

    IBM 726 Magnetic Tape
    Magnetic tape allows for inexpensive mass storage, was a key for the computer revolution.
  • Alexander Douglas writes OXO for EDSAC

    Alexander Douglas writes OXO for EDSAC
    Alexander was A PhD student from Cambridge University, he designed one of the earliest computer games, a version of Tic-Tac-Toe, called OXO
  • First Meeting of IBM users group SHARE

    First Meeting of IBM users group SHARE
    SHARE was known for boisterous meetings and for most of it's customers it felt by many to be insufficient.
  • Robby the Robot

    Robby the Robot
    Appearing in the movie Forbidden Planet, it was a huge hit and was seen as what robots would look like.
  • Direct keyboard input to computers

    Direct keyboard input to computers
    Computers used to have tp use punch cards or paper tape to input into computers, but now keyboards were used.
  • First computer scanned image on SEAC

    First computer scanned image on SEAC
    The first image was scanned and seen as made with a bunch of black dots on the computer.
  • DEC is founded

    DEC is founded
    DEC was first founded o make electronic parts for test, measurement, prototyping, and control markets.
  • SAGE Air Defense System

    SAGE Air Defense System
    Designed to detect Russian nuclear bombers, it pioneers a lot of technological advances.

    The first mass-produced robot begins working to make cars.
  • IBM 1311 Disk Storage Drive

    IBM 1311 Disk Storage Drive
    The first disk drive made with a removable disk pack. Each pack weighed 10 pounds, and was capable of 2 million characters.
  • Spacewar! debuts.

    Spacewar! debuts.
    A game that was a battle between two spaceships, debuting from MIT. Also incorporating a program to provide a background.
  • The first Queen email

    The first Queen email
    Queen Elizabeth sends out her first e-mail on March 26.
  • VDM prototype built

    VDM prototype built
    The VDM was the first implementation of video display for personal computers. Enabled personal computers for interactive games.
  • Apple-1 completed

    Apple-1 completed
    The Apple-1 was a single board computer for hobbyists. Also the founding of Apple.
  • First computers installed in the White House

    First computers installed in the White House
    The US government after funding many computer research programs finally installed technology into the White House.
  • LaserDisc

    LaserDiscs were introduced to hold movies, the first film sold on LaserDiscs in North America was Jaws.
  • IBM introduces its PC

    IBM introduces its PC
    IBM's mass marketing campaign sparked a huge growth in personal computers.
  • CD-ROM

    This CD was able of holding 550 megabytes of pre-recorded data. Was a huge hit for Sony.
  • RM-510 Gripper introduced

    RM-510 Gripper introduced
    The robot gripping arm was small, and commercially available. It could assemble product or handle chemicals.
  • Apple unveils the Next cube

    Apple unveils the Next cube
    Was a pc box meant to be the new innovation with 8 megabytes of RAM.
  • Intel's Delta supercomputer system comes online

    Intel's Delta supercomputer system comes online
    Reaching 32 gigaflops, it had 512 processors arranged in two dimensional communications.
  • The WorldWideWeb is born

    The WorldWideWeb is born
    It was the start of search engines and helpful links, with HTML, URLS.
  • EverQuest is released

    EverQuest is released
    Inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, and text based games It was a fantasy themed MMORPG, being a huge critical success.