
Utah Influenza Epidemic of 1918

  • Flu Reaches Utah

    Flu Reaches Utah
    Flu reaches Utah via visitors from Evanston Wyoming to the Utah State Fair. Imagine being the one responsible for bringing the flu to Utah.
  • Period: to

    Utah 1918-1919 Influenza Epidemic

    "From September 1918 to June 1919, Utah registered 2,343 deaths from flu. In 1919, the state had the second highest death rate from the disease in the country, with 180.2 deaths per 100,000 population. The only state that exceeded that rate was South Carolina with 189.3."
  • 63 New Flu Cases in Utah

    63 New Flu Cases in Utah
    Coalville hit hardest in the state. New cases should be isolated immediately. State to put a temporary ban on public funerals to prevent the spread of disease. What is it about Coalville that made it so susceptible to the flu?
  • Spitting in Public Could Result in a $1 Fine

    Spitting in Public Could Result in a $1 Fine
    Schools and public gatherings closed. Flu spread to Cedar City by people attending LDS General Conference. Motion Picture releases delayed to prevent people from attending the movies. Are there really that many people who spit in public?
  • Once Flu Hits, Cities Must Ban Public Gatherings

    Once Flu Hits, Cities Must Ban Public Gatherings
    By order of the Health Department: All public gatherings banned once flu arrives in a location. Judge Mercy to Renovate building to accommodate 150 patients. Boy Scouts pass out pamphlets. Sneezers and coughers banned on city streets. How do you enforce a ban gatherings, sneezing or coughing in public?
  • Face Masks Advised

    Face Masks Advised
    The public is warned to wear a face mask to protect yourself and others from the spread of influenza. Directions are given on how to make one and to sanitize it daily. Imagine the efforts made to make the masks and take care of them. They certainly weren't a "disposable" society like we are today.
  • New Store Sale Regulations

    New Store Sale Regulations
    In an effort to prevent the spread of flu, the health departments orders department stores not to hold bid sales that bring in lots of people. I find it interesting that people were willing to risk infection to save a little money.
  • Teachers Fill Public Needs

    Teachers Fill Public Needs
    With schools closed, teachers use school domestic science kitchens to prepare food for influenza patients.
  • Flu Cases Required to be Reported

    Flu Cases Required to be Reported
    All influenza cases to be reported to the state health department. Teachers, on leave with schools closed recruited as nurses. Election day poses a risk of infection. Special arrangements to be made for election day.
  • No Kissing of the Bride!

    No Kissing of the Bride!
    Public weddings taboo. The risk of spreading flu too great. Ward Teaching discontinued until further notice. Might as well elope.
  • Some 20,000 Utah Residents have Been Infected with Influenza.

    Some 20,000 Utah Residents have Been Infected with Influenza.
    138 Utah towns have influenza cases. I wonder what the population of Utah was at the time. What percentage of the population was infected?
  • Teachers Not Doing Their Part

    Teachers Not Doing Their Part
    Teachers on paid leave while schools are closed who haven't volunteered as nurses are identified as slackers, and not doing their part to help influenza epidemic. As a teacher, if I was put in this situation, would I be willing to risk infection to help others?
  • Face Mask Required

    Face Mask Required
    It is now compulsory for influenza patients to wear face masks. The Red Cross is too busy so masks must be made at home.
  • Public Signs Required

    Public Signs Required
    Homes with influenza patients must have placards notifying the public of disease's presence.
  • 3 deaths, 28 new cases of influenza

    3 deaths, 28 new cases of influenza
    George Seely, 23, of Mt. Pleasant succumbed to to the disease. I'm related to Seelys from Mt. Pleasant so I looked George up. Turns out George Seely's grandfather and my great great great grandfather were brothers. It's a distant relation, but the connection really brought the influenza epidemic home.
  • Regulation of Store Hours

    Regulation of Store Hours
    The regulation of the opening and closing of stores may be next step in preventing spread of flu. Fines/jail time for not reporting cases. I don't understand how store hours would help prevent the spread of the flu. Narrowing down hours so people aren't away from home as long? Spreading them out to avoid overcrowding?
  • Liquor to be Given to Flu Patients

    Liquor to be Given to Flu Patients
    Flu patients can receive liquor for medicinal purposes with a prescription only. Nothing like a little prohibition to create a "need" for booze. :)
  • No Public Church Services to be Held

    No Public Church Services to be Held
    Church members to fast for an end to influenza epidemic. What took them so long?!?!
  • Theaters to Reopen After 10 Week Closure.

    Imagine if today's society had to go 10 weeks without Hollywood entertainment!
  • Utah County Quarantine Lifted.

  • Schools to Re-Open

    Schools to Re-Open
    Schools to re-open on December 31 with no New Year break in an effort to get back on track. Hours added each day to "catch up." Influenza restrictions now void statewide. We had 3 snow days to make up last year and it was awful! I can't imagine how you'd make up 10 weeks.