influential events

  • Albany Plan of Union

    -proposed by Benjamin Franklin
    -colonies unite under one government/ group
    -the power they would have when united, levy taxes, military, treaties with natives, and settle new land
    -Rejected by the colonial legislatures because of their fear of a central power
    -Benjamin Franklin draws first political cartoon
  • The Treaty of Paris

    -Official peace treaty between the United States and Britain
    -Ended the American Revolutionary War
    it was signed on February 10, 1763
    -New France east of Mississippi river to Britain
    -New France west of Mississippi river to Spain
    -Britain and Spain trade Cuba to Florida
  • Sugar Act

    -attempted to curb the smuggling of sugar and molasses in the colonies
    -reducing previous tax rate and enforcing the collection of duties
    -indirect tax(added into cost of sugar)
    -British officers can search ship whenever they want to see if you are smuggling
  • Stamp Act

    -Tax of all paper and printed goods
    -Direct tax
    -Colonist felt that rights were violated
    -Met with colonial resistance
    -representatives from every colony meets in Virginia
    - outlines how to get Britain to change their mind
    -Sons of liberty
    -Daughters of Liberty
    -Starts to boycott taxed goods
  • Quartering Act

    -Requires that Americans must house and feed British soldiers in the colonies
    -The colonist thought this was violating their right to property
    -Additional tax because of the coat of food
  • Townshend Act

    -Repeal stamp act
    -Tax on glass, paint, tea, ect.
    -Purpose was to use the money to finance troops in colonies
    -Replaced after 4 years
  • Tea Act

    -High tax on tea
    -British East India Company was in danger of bankruptcy because of competition and poor investments
    -Sons of liberty meet to react(cause of the Boston Tea Party)
  • Boston Tea Party

    -Response to the Tea act
    -colonist dressed as Mohawk Indians and threw tea out of British ships in the harbor
    -damage was roughly $1-3 million dollars
  • Intolerable Act

    -British shut down all of Bostons ports to foreign trade
    -The colonist couldn't have a self government anymore
    -Any soldier that commits a capital crime gets to go back to England and get a fair trial
    -Station soldiers in own houses
    -British gave land to Quebec that they had fought for
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    -Not all colonist believed in independence
    -New faces arrived like Franklin, Hancock, and Jefferson
    -John Dickinson urges a petition
    -John Adams urges Independence
    -Battle of Bunker Hill was between Radicals and Moderates in Congress
    -Olive Branch Petition was to cease fire in Boston, and for King George to repeal acts and define colonial rights
    -Olive Branch Petition was shot down by King George