Physical Skill
Can keep head in mid-position of body when lying on tummy. -
Physical Skill
On tummy, can lift head and chest from surface using arms for support. -
Cognitive Skill
Discovers hands and feet as an extension to self. -
Cognitive Skill
Prefers to look at human faces and patterned objects. -
Social Skill
Is comforted by the human face. -
Social Skill
Watches adults' facial expressions closely. -
Emotional Skill
Shows affection to human. -
Emotional Skill
Is able to show distress, excitement, contentment, anger, and delight. -
Period: to
1-3 months
Physical Skill
Able to place objects in mouth. -
Physical Skill
Can maintain a sitting position for several minutes if given proper support. -
Cognitive Skill
Explores toys by grasping, sucking, shaking, and banging. -
Cognitive Skill
Smiles and coos when caregiver talks to him or her. -
Social Skill
Enjoys social aspects of feeding time. -
Social Skill
Shows increased pleasure in social interactions. -
Emotional Skill
May form an attachment to one special object. -
Emotional Skill
Attachment to special toys. -
Period: to
4 months
Physical Skill
Can sit supported for 15-30 minutes with a firm back. -
Physical Skill
Holds objects in both hands. -
Cognitive Skill
Smiles at self in the mirror. -
Cognitive Skill
Studies objects intently, turning them to see all sides. -
Social Skill
Enjoys playing with children. -
Social Skill
Laughs when socializing. -
Emotional Skill
Smiles when given attention. -
Emotional Skill
Desires constant attention from caregiver. -
Period: to
5-6 months
Physical Skill
Likes to bounce when in a standing position. -
Physical Skill
Pulls self up in standing position. -
Cognitive Skill
Likes to empty and fill containers. -
Cognitive Skill
Enjoys looking through books with familiar pictures. -
Social Skill
Begins to have a sense of humor. -
Emotional Skill
Expresses anger more dramatically. -
Emotional Skill
Shows desire for social contacts. -
Social Skill
Thoroughly enjoys company of siblings. -
Period: to
7-8 months
Cognitive Skill
Finds objects that are totally hidden. -
Cognitive Skill
Responds appropriately to a few specific words. -
Social Skill
Shows interest in play activities of others. -
Emotional Skill
May show fear of heights. -
Emotional Skill
Recognizes the social nature of mealtimes. -
Physical Skill
Sits alone. -
Physical Skill
Crawls; may try to crawl upstairs. -
Social Skill
Likes to play games like patty-cake. -
Period: to
9 months
Physical Skill
Climbs on chairs and other furniture. -
Physical Skill
Likes to walk holding caregiver's hand. -
Cognitive Skill
Links specific acts or events to other events. -
Cognitive Skill
Likes to look at pictures in a book. -
Social Skill
Enjoys music and may mimic movements others make to music. -
Social Skill
Is more aware and sensitive to other children. -
Emotional Skill
Expresses delight or happiness. -
Emotional Skill
May be able to show symbolic thought by giving love to a stuffed toy or mimic behaviors of others. -
Period: to
10 months
Physical Skill
Stands alone. -
Physical Skill
Likes to grasp feeding utensils and cup. -
Cognitive Skill
Speaks first recognizable word. -
Cognitive Skill
Begins to find familiar objects that are not in view. -
Social Skill
Likes to say no and shake head to get response from caregiver. -
Emotional Skill
May not always want to be cooperative. -
Social Skill
Imitates movements of other adults and children. -
Emotional Skill
Objects to having his or her enjoyable play stopped. -
Period: to
11 months
Physical Skill
Climbs up and down stairs. -
Cognitive Skill
Waves good-bye -
Cognitive Skill
Likes to open containers and look at their contents. -
Social Skill
Enjoys playing with siblings. -
Emotional Skill
May resist napping. -
Emotional Skill
May have tantrums. -
Physical Skill
May show preference for one hand. -
Social Skill
Likes to practice communication with adults. -
Period: to
1 year