Cognitive Development
The day I was born my mother went through C-section. She had to be bed rested and therefore couldn’t assist my every nurturing need. While my mother was resting she noticed the strange reaction I had while I was crying. I would cry for a few seconds then stop and look around if anyone was there, with my eyes wide open looking everywhere in the room. There was no sign of anyone coming, and therefore I started crying again. This routine went on for a while, therefore, I was aware and observant. -
Period: to
Infancy to Toddlerhood
The most sufficient years in a childs life is from infancy to toddlerhood, because they undergo many changes in their life physically and emotionally. -
Physical Development
The very first steps I took was after church service in front of the administration building in Pakistan's Seventh Day Adventist Campus. It was a very lovely spring day and there were many rose bushes around me and my parents. My father called out my name, and I started walking towards him not scared but full of excitement. That day I was very happy and I wasn't nervous but ready for my first steps. -
Emotional Development
My grandmother in my father's side died from diabetes when I was three years old. During the funeral I noticed tears running down my father’s face which was the only time I ever saw him crying. The fact that my father was crying influenced my behavior, which led me to confusion and slight depression. I didn’t quite understand what was going on but seeing other people sad gave me the feeling something was wrong, and that things were different. The funeral was a confusing stage in my life.