time line project

  • Infancy:Language Development

    At one years old I said my first words, which was "momma".
  • Infancy: Sleep

    I slept for about 10 hours as an infant
  • Infancy:Physical Development

    As an infant I encouraged my gross/fine motor skills by crawling and grabbing objects. I also tended to put random objects in my mouth
  • Infancy: Piaget's Cognitive Development

    Infancy: Piaget's Cognitive Development
    As an infant I learned how to grasp, look, and listen
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood Physical Development

    I did a lot of running, lifting, and swimming
  • Early Childhood: Memory

    Early Childhood: Memory
    First memory is when I rode a bike for the first time
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    Language and thinking improves(able to talk more properly)
  • Early Childhood: Language Development

    Strategies my parents used to improve my vocabulary was reading books and making flashcards
  • Adolescence: Language Development

    There was a lot of slang used during my middle school and high school years. We used to say words like "swag" and "omg".
  • Adolescence: Puberty Physical Development

    I started puberty around the 7th grade. It affected me greatly because I started to develop acne and it really affected my self esteem
  • Adolescence: Sleep

    I slept a lot as a kid, maybe a little too much. I took naps everyday after school and I slept a lot during the weekends
  • Adolescence: Physical Development/ Motor Skills

    I ran track during my high school years, but that eventually stopped when I tore a ligament in my knee.
  • Middle/Late Childhood: Sleep

    I slept all the time during my middle childhood. Although I was active, I always found time to sleep
  • Middle/Late Childhood: Stress

    I coped with stress by eating and crying. I was a big cry baby, so when I was stressed all I did was cry my eyes out.
  • Middle/Late Childhood: Physical Development

    In middle school I ran track and played volleyball as a way to stay active.
  • Middle/Late Childhood: Emotions

    My mom was emotion coaching because she always made sure I was okay. If I fell she made sure I didn't hurt myself. My dad was the complete opposite from my mom. My mom was emotion dismissing because he always tried to make me tough, so when I fell he'll always tell me to get up and stop crying.
  • Early Adulthood: Health

    High blood pressure run in my family. My mom, dad, grandma, and uncle has high blood pressure. It affects me because now that I am up in age, I have to watch what I eat.
  • Medical History

    I will prevent myself from having high blood pressure by having better eating habits. For example, I will consume more fruits and vegetables
  • Early Adulthood:Grief/Death

    A close friend of mines passed away 4 months ago and it was very hard for me to cope with his death. I didn't talk for a while but I eventually accepted his death.
  • Early Adulthood: Identity Development

    I identify myself in the achievement stage. I am very proud of the decisions I have made. I am doing very well in school and have made many friends.
  • Early Adulthood: Stress

    I cope with stress by sleeping and eating. I stress easily so I eat a lot and sleep when I can, but that's hard considering I am a college student.
  • Early Adulthood: Sleep

    Since I am in college I rarely get the proper amount of sleep. I sleep about 4-5 hours each night.
  • Adulthood: Physical Development

    I go to the gym so I can stay active and healthy.
  • IQ Test

    After taking the IQ test it did not affect how I felt about myself, nor did it affect my schooling