To produce goods for use or sale.The reason for coming to Colorado was to sale things that people will need and to get a job.The resources that are needed are machinery,tools, and people. -
Federal Agency
Federal agency is a good.The Impact helps learn and serve.Reason for coming to Clolorado was to help our environment.Resources needed is people. -
Beer Co.
The beer itself is a good and the job is the service. The impact was that more and more people were buying it and wanted to try it and drink it. The reason for coming to Colorado was to get a job and to drink or try it. The resources needed were people, bottles, advertisments, and machinery. -
Mining is a service.The impact was everyone wanted to get gold to sell for money.Reason for coming to Colorado was to get money by selling the gold that they found.Resources needed were people, shovels, tools, and gold. -
Children's Hospital
A hospital to help children of all ages wether they have cancer or they are sick.The resources need are people,nurses,docters,and medicine.More people living.Reason for coming to Colorado was to get healthy again if you were sick. -
Rockies Baseball Team
the goods or services that are provided is entertainment. The impact was more people were starting to play the sport and starting to watch it. Reason for coming to Colorado was to watch the games and play the games.The resources needed is a field, players,gear and a ball to play with. -
The goods and services that are provided is soccer,softball/baseball, skiing, and swimming.The impact was that more people began playing and watching it. Reason for coming to Colorado was to watch games, play games and entertainment.The resources needed are a field,playes,gear and a ball. -
The goods or services provided are raised in agriculter,produce food,fiber and labor.The impact was cattle were close to extinction because people were killing to much.Reason for coming to Colorado was to get meat and sell the cows or animals for money.The resources needed is slaughter houses and the butcher. -
Tourism is a service. The services provided were skiing, entertainment, hiking, fishing, camping, hunting deer and elk.The impact was 10,000,000, skiing, population jobs. Reason for coming to Colorado was to see the beautiful mountains and to ski.Resources needed was to buyfood,gas,might rent skis and lodging. -
Force Soccer Team
The Force is a service.A team to play on and entertainment.The impact is more soccer players,fans and entertainment.The reason for coming to Colorado is to play games and play on Force.The Resources needed for Force is players, gear, soccerballs, and a field