Industrialization in the U.S. - Factories and Industries

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    Industrial Revolution

    Starts in Great Britain in late 1700's and uses mass production fueled by unskilled labor, coal, and water power. Helps factories but hurts workers and living conditions improve greatly
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    Results of Industrialization

    North and south develop different economies, women go into workforce and spark social progress, immigration increases due to opportunity, urbanization increases since most jobs are in cities, monopolies are formed, labor tensions and strikes develop, railroads lead to westward expansion, consumerism grows rapidly
  • End of War of 1812

    American realization of need for self-sufficiency and industrial revolution
  • Henry Clay's American System

    Tariff of 1816 is imposed to support and protect American industry
  • Industries in U.S.

    Northeast industries spawn first in RI by making textiles, then the Lowell Mills employ all women
  • Creation of Standard Oil by Rockefeller

    Rockefeller created standard oil monopoly and dominated oil industry (owned 95%) which was bad for the consumer as prices stayed high, also gained power through ownership
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt

    Known as the commodore, made tons of money in shipping and railroads and gained power by owning lots of railroads
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    South is helped out by north and is sent money to improve infrastructure and make industrial advances
  • Transcontinental Railroad is Completed

    The transcontinental railroad is completed leading to advances in many industries
  • Andrew Carnegie

    King of steel, eventually sells steel empire to J.P. Morgan
  • Panic of 1873

    Mass layoffs occur and there is no government assistance
  • Great Railroad Strike

    First major strike nationwide and army is sent is to stop it
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    Gilded Age

    Many advances in industrial practices, dominated by owners, large discrepancy in wealth, workers and lower class was hurt, captains of industry or robber barons crushed competition
  • Homestead Strike

    Strikes in steel mills
  • Regulation of Key Industries

    Tariffs are reduced, financial gap between classes shrinks
  • Coxey's Army

    Mass protest in D.C. but are dispersed
  • Pullman Strike

    Railroad strike that led to violence
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    Progressive Age

    Workers gain rights and safety, wealth discrepancy is reduced, social reforms improve
  • J.P. Morgan

    Bought steel empire from Carnegie, king of banking, took control of all banks under him, makes investments in Edison and GE, bails out U.S. government in 1893 and 1907, fights U.S. in northern securities v. U.S. and railroads are ruled as an illegal monopoly
  • IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) is Created

    Known as wobblies and fight for workers rights
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Begins progressive movement and 150 women die in the fire