Industrial Revolution Timeline Project

  • Steam Power

    Steam Power
    in the 1700 Newcomen’s invention was originally applied to power the machines used to pump water out of mine shafts. engineer James Watt adding a separate water condenser that made it far more efficient. this impacted society by possible to easily work, live, produce, market,.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    1768 the spinning jenny was a multi spindle spinning frame. also group of spinners fearing unemployment broke into Hargreaves house and destroyed his spinning jenny machines, forcing him to flee to Nottingham. the spinning jenny impacted society by increased the production of textile.

    Arkwright established his first factory using his “spinning frame“ on the river Derwent at Cromford, England. eople worked twelve hours a day for six days a week and started work at five o’ clock in the morning. It brought about major social change in England, and is widely considered to be the foundation of the factory system

    the cotton gin was cotton gin pulled the cotton through a set of wire teeth mounted on a revolving cylinder. The fiber passed through narrow slots in an iron breastwork too small to permit passage of the seed. this impacted socially by the yield of raw cotton doubled each decade after 1800.
  • Combination Acts of 1799 in Britain

    Combination Acts of 1799 in Britain
    the combination acts in Britain made the union trade ism illegal. The laws sentenced three months in jail or to two months. this impacted society because It forbade workers on pain of two months hard labor.
  • Luddite Rebellion begins

    Luddite Rebellion begins
    the Luddite rebellion begins had started a rebellion because they were threatened by machines that were made by manufacturers also they had started destroying machines because they believed that they were threatening their jobs.
  • Destruction of Stocking Frames Act

    Destruction of Stocking Frames Act
    a new law was passed by the British Parliament making it illegal by penalty of death to destroy industrial machines. This was because the Luddites were destroying the weaving machines as a protest to help save their jobs. this impacted society because people could end up going to jail.
  • The first Factory Act for Child Labor

    The first Factory Act for Child Labor
    the first factory act of child labor was The act stated that children under the age of nine were not allowed to work in the factories. the children worked long hours under horrible conditions. this impacted society because children did have to work in tell 9 and could have somewhat of a life.
  • Poor Law created “poorhouses” for the poor

    Poor Law created “poorhouses” for the poor
    he Poor Law Amendment Act was passed by British Parliament in 1834.The poor were given clothes and food in the workhouse in exchange for several hours of manual labor each day. this impacted society by local government the power to raise taxes as needed and use the funds to build and maintain almshouses.

    Franco-Swiss inventor Isaac de Rivaz created an internal combustion engine which is considered the first of its kind in the world. engine was a two stroke cycle engine which used a mixture of coal gas and air. this impacted society by to free people from the hardest manual labor, made possible the airplane and other forms of transportation.
  • summary

    the industrially revolution is one of the most significant event in civilized history. Britain transform an there society and economy. also mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system New machines, new power sources. and it also made it way to the united stat and Europe.