Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Peter Cooper invents the locomotive

    Peter Cooper invents the locomotive
    Peter Cooper (February 12, 1791 – April 4, 1883) was an American industrialist, inventor, philanthropist, and candidate for President of the United States. He designed and built the first steam locomotive in the U.S., and founded the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in Manhattan, New York City.
  • when samuel slater invents the textile mill machine

    when samuel slater invents the textile mill machine
    the invention of the textile mill was an important change in history. Also, The Slater mill was the first American factory to successfully produce cotton yarn with water-powered machines.
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin
    A cotton gin is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds, allowing for much greater productivity than manual cotton separation.
  • eli whitney invents interchangeable parts

    eli whitney invents interchangeable parts
    They are made to specifications that ensure that they are so nearly identical that they will fit into any assembly of the same type. One such part can freely replace another, without any custom fitting
  • Robert Fulton creates the steamboat

    Robert Fulton creates the steamboat
    Steamboats impacted America positively. They were a helping factor in the Industrial Revolution. Because of steamboats, natural resources could be transported more efficiently.
  • Cyrus Hall McCormick.invents the harvesting machine reaper

    Cyrus Hall McCormick.invents the harvesting machine reaper
    McCormick-IHC Collection. Cyrus Hall McCormick. Cyrus H. McCormick (1809-1884) was an industrialist and inventor of the first commercially successful reaper, a horse-drawn machine to harvest wheat.
  • John Deere invents the steel plow

    John Deere invents the steel plow
    It was used for farming to break up tough soil without soil getting stuck to it.
  • Samuel f.b. morse invents the telegraph

    Samuel f.b. morse invents the telegraph
    it made communication easier
  • Isaac Singer invents the sewing machine

    Isaac Singer invents the sewing machine
    it made clothing production more efficent