Industrial Revolution Timeline

By ArixW31
  • Clock

    Made by Eli Terry, so you could tell the time easier
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Made by Oliver Evans was made to help in factories
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Made by Eli Whitney and was used to remove the seeds from the cotton faster
  • Loom

    Made by George Crompton and it was made for a type of sewing method.
  • Door lock

    Door lock
    Made by Linus Jr. Yale made so you could lock your doors to keep people out.
  • Elevators

    Made by Elisha Graves Otis, so you could get from one level to another in a building
  • Mason Jar

    Mason Jar
    Made by John Mason and it was used for keeping your produce fresh for longer periods at a time.
  • Breakfast Cereal

    Breakfast Cereal
    Made by James Caleb Jackson and it was made to eat in the morning for breakfast.
  • Dynamite

    Made by Alfred Nobel so you could blow things up.
  • Dishwasher

    Was made by Joel Houghton and it was made so you would have a faster way of washing dishes.
  • Radio

    Made by Guglielmo Marconi and it was made so people had something to listen to and get news from.
  • Submarine

    Made by John Phillip Holland, so you could go way under water and not die