Bessemer Process
The Bessemer process was invented by Sir Henry Bessemer in England. The process was the first known way to mass produce steel. The Bessemer process involves removing impurities from pig iron. This in the end would create steel. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/63067/Bessemer-process http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/Bessemer_converter.jpg/300px-Bessemer_converter.jpg -
Edwin L. Drake
Drake was born in Green county, NY in 1819. In Titusville, Pennsylvania he started to drill for petrolium. This was the first time he drilled for petrollium but while he was there he decided construct a large crane that would drill for oil. He believed it was in the ground. On August 27, 1859 Drake was drilling for oil and found it. http://explorepahistory.com/hmarker.php?markerId=1-A-B0 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oRiyuwVZONw/Tz2eKtk9g2I/AAAAAAAAwMU/30uCJsQGeyI/s1600/drakes_well.jpg -
Henry Ford
Henry Ford was born on july, 30 1863. He worked for his family as a farmer but at a young age found a intrest in mechanics. Then, in 1891 Ford became an engineer with Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. This made Ford dedicated to his work as mechanic. In 1993 he became the cheif engineer and was able to devote time and money into his first invention of the quadricycle in 1896. Ford opened the Ford motor company.
http://www.hfmgv.org/exhibits/hf/quad.j -
Credit Mobilier Scandal
From 1865-1869 there was a illegal manipulation of contracts by construction and finance company associated with the building of the pacific union railroad. The people did this causeing unrest to the government. People found that contracts would make you the most money. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/142332/Credit-Mobilier-Scandal
http://www.laramiedepot.org/Portals/0/Work train 3.jpg -
Period: to
The Credit Mobilier scandal
From 1865-1869 there was a illegal manipulation of contracts by construction and finance company associated with the building of the pacific union railroad. The people did this causeing unrest to the government. People found that contracts would make you the most money. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/142332/Credit-Mobilier-Scandal
http://www.laramiedepot.org/Portals/0/Work train 3.jpg -
Christopher Sholes
Sholes invented the first practical typewriter and introduced the keyboard layout. He sold the patent in 1873 to Remington arms company. He was born on Feb-14-1819 in Mooresburg, PA. Sholes was a printer by trade and created the typewriter with the printing buisness in mind. http://www.nndb.com/people/360/000162871/
http://images.wisconsinhistory.org/700099990002/9999000243-l.jpg -
Transcontinental Railroad Completed
In 1862, Congress passed the Pacific Railroad Bill. This bill granted land for building railroads. The Central Pacific Railroad would lay railraod from cali to the east. The Union Pacific railroad would lay track from the Missouri river to the west. they would meet in utah in 1869 were a golden spike was pownded to comemorate the day. This whole railroad system was the transcontenental railroad.
http://www.calisphere.universityofcalifornia.edu/the -
John D Rockefeller
Rockefeller was born on July 8,1839, in Richford, New York. In Cleveland he built the first oil refinery and in 1870 started the Standard Oil Company. Rockefeller had near-monopoly of the oil business in the US. His business also led to antimonopoly laws. Later in life he devoted himself to philanthropy. His work in the oil business made the oil safer as well as offordable.
http://www.leadership-with-you.com/images/rockefeller.jpg -
Alexander Grahm Bell
Bell was born in 1847. He was the inventor of the telephone. The telephone was a inovation from device that used morse code. It was invented in 1876 and the first time it was used was 1878.
http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/B/Alexander-Graham-Bell-192831-2-402.jpg -
Munn V. Illinois
The Munn v. Illinois case was decided in 1876 by the supreme court. Munn had ben found guilty of violating the state laws providing for the fixing of maximum charges for storage of grain. Munn appealed this decisionsaying that the fixing of maximum rates constituted a taking of property without due process of law. The supreme court upheld saying it is constitutional to regulate items that are in the public intrest.
http://telepresence.wisc.e -
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was born on feb-11-1847. He often worked on improving the efficency of the telagraph transmitter. He noticed the transmitter gave of a sound. Edison wondered if he could replicate that sound onto a peice of paper. After many years of work Edison finally made the first phonograph. The phonograph played cylinders rather than didcs. Edison also invented the light bulb.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bledison.htm -
Haymarket Riot
This riot was in Chicago Ilinois in 1886. During the riot 7 people were killed and 60 injured. It was a dispute between labour protesters and police over the struggle for recognization.It also was heald to protest police brutality. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Haymarket+Riot
http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/haymarket/riotscene.jpg -
Interstate commerce act
This act was designed to regulate the railroad industry. The act made the price to ride a railroad reasonable and just. This act did not give a set price to ride from the government but it did create regulatory agencys that would moniter the price of the railroad. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h743.html
http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/images/1132.jpg -
Sherman Antitrust act
The Sherman Antitrust act of 1890 was the frist act that prohibited certain business activities that will reduce competionin the marketplace. It required the governement to investagate anything having to do with this. The act was named after Senator John Sheman from Ohio. http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=51
http://www.historycentral.com/Industrialage/ShermanAnti-TrustAct.jpg -
Homestead Strike
The homestead strike was based off of the battle between the Carnegie Steel Company and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. In 1889 a strike had won the workers a three year contract but Andrew Carnegie was determined to break it. Carnegie's plant manager, Henry Clay Frick, stepped up the hours of work and production. On July 6, 1892, Frick sent Pinkertons gaurds who were met by 10 thousand strikers.
http://www.history.com/topics/home -
Eugene Debs
Eugene Debs was born in Terre Haute, Indiana on November 5, 1855. Debs was a labour organizer and a Socialist party canidate for US president 5 times. Debs tried to unite many railroad brotherhoods in his day. He became the president of the American Railway Union in 1893. His union was noticed when they won a strike for highrer wages against the Great Northern Railway in 1894.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/ -
Pullman Strike
On May 11, 1894 the Pullman strike began. It began because of the factory workers who worked for the Pullman place car factory, walking out. They walked out because of decline in wage and money. Although this was started in Chicago, Ilinois it crippled the buissness of railrods across the nation. http://encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1029.html
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Pullman_strikers_outside_Arcade_Building.jpg/250px-Pullman_strikers_outside_Arcade_B -
Mother Jones
Mother Jones was a nick name for a woman named Mary Harris who was born in Cork County, Ireland between 1830 and 1844. She lost everything in Great fire of Chicago in 1871. In June of 1897 Mary's name was turned to Mother Jones because of her adress at the railway union convention. When many miners put down their toola and quite Mother was there to assist them.
http://www.aflcio.org/About/Our-History/Key-People-in-Labor-History/Mother-Jones-18 -
Wright Brothers
Wilbur Wright first wrote to the smithsonian intitution for info on flight expiraments. The Wright brothers then designed the frist aircraft. It was a small biplane looking object. The wright brothers observed the flight of birsd inorder to design their plane. The brothers tested many different wingspan and designs but on December 17, 1903 the first arcraft was made.
http://www.wright-house.com/wright-brothers/wrights/phot -
J.P. Morgan
JP Morgan was a Banker and an American Financier. Morgan did not work hard to et to te top of the busniess ladder he was born into wealth. One of his biggest purchases was in 1901. He bought the Carnegie Steel Company for 500 million dollars to creat U.S. Steel. He made billions on this. He learned that one does not need to be a builder to be successful.
http://newspaper.li/static/873e58b12ae457f5260f9331d1a7e0d4.jpg -
Lochner VS New York.
This case was in 1905 when labor laws were in serious quetion. The Lochner VS New York case was a case in which a baker named Lochner put the laws of labor in question for his bakers. The law regulated how many hours a week and how many hours a day a baker could work. The case went to the supreme court but was keeped becauses it protected the bakers health and well being.