Improved the production of iron
Darby combined the existing technologies of casting iron with casting brass that produced goods of a greater intricacy. -
John Kay invents the Flying Shuttle
John Kay was the son of a wool manufacturer in Bury, Lancashire. He was just a young man when he became the manager of one of his father's mills. Kay developed skills as a machinist and engineer. He made many improvements to the machines in the mill. -
James Hargreaves invents the Spinning Jenny
About 1764 Hargreaves is said to have conceived the idea for his hand-powered multiple spinning machine. -
Jethro Tull invents the seed drill
Jethro Tull was an English agricultural pioneer from Berkshire who helped bring about the British Agricultural Revolution. He perfected a horse-drawn seed drill in 1701 that economically sowed the seeds in neat rows. -
David Ricardo Prmotes Economics
David Ricardo was one of those rare people who achieved both tremendous success and lasting fame. -
Robert Owen promotes Socialism
Robert Owen was a Welsh social reformer and one of the founders of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. -
Eli Withney invets the cotton gin
n 1794, U.S.-born inventor Eli Whitney (1765-1825) patented the cotton gin. -
George Stephenson builds the first inner city railway
George Stephenson was born on 9 June 1781 near Newcastle-upon. His father was a coal miner were he occasionally worked too. -
Karl Marx forms Marxism
As a university student, Karl Marx (1818-1883) joined a movement known as the Young Hegelians, who strongly criticized the political and cultural establishments of the day. -
Cyrus Fields sets first telegraph across Atlantic Ocean.
In 1854 Field began the quest to lay a telegraphic cable across the Atlantic Ocean.