Industrial revolution

Industrial Revolution Inventions- Itzel Carrilllo

  • Cotton Gin, Eli Whitney

    Cotton Gin, Eli Whitney
    It's a way to communicate with people from other places.
    It’s important because it changed the way in communication. It made the collection of cotton and the making of the clothes much more easier than having to do everything by hand.
    Cotton Gin
  • Steam Boats, John Fitchet

    Steam Boats, John Fitchet
    It navigates from one place to another.
    It makes transportation faster than walking. His steam boats demonstrated that transportation didn't have to be any more difficult than what it used to be before all the inventions.
    [Cotton Gin](http://<a href='http://’s' >Steam Boat</a>
  • The Macadam Roads, John Loudon MacAdam

    The Macadam Roads, John Loudon MacAdam
    Enabled people to travel across the continent of North America.
    Allowed more people to get to destinations faster.
    The Macadam Road represented a revolutionary advancement in road construction and of setting time aside to understand what is deciding.
    Macadam Roads
  • Iron Bladed Plow, Jethro Wood

    Iron Bladed Plow, Jethro Wood
    Could plow a stony field without breaking.
    Makes working in fields or plantation faster.
    The Iron Plow made the job in labors easier instead of having a lot of people doing it at the same time one coud be doing all the work which mush simpler and easier.
    Macadam Roads
  • The Railroads, Peter Cooper

    The Railroads, Peter Cooper
    Trains were faster than steamboats. Took you to destination faster.
    The railroads would quickly replace them as the favored means of transportation.
    The railroads was one of the most important phenomena of the Industrial Revolution and in the Civil War that was the North's more extensive railway system and was a factor in their ability to win the war.
    Macadam Roads
  • Telegraph, Samuel Morse

    Telegraph, Samuel Morse
    It’s able to mark down the message.
    Better way of communication if far away.
    The telegraph remained an important part of communication. As technology of the telephone and the creation of the internet telegrams have seen a study decline falling.
  • Weapons, Richard Gatling

    Weapons, Richard Gatling
    It kills enemies and protects you from dangers.
    Faster and more successful to use in war and kill.
    The weapon is the only thing that's as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter. It simply wouldn't work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn't both lethal and easily employable.
    <a href='http://
  • Telephone, Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone, Alexander Graham Bell
    It’s a way to communicate with people from other places.
    It’s important because it changed the way in communication.
    The telephone is an important invention that expanded and simplified communication. This invention sped and increased global communication, increasing the capacity for real-time interaction at a distance.
  • Electric Light, Thomas Edison

    Electric Light, Thomas Edison
    It lets you see better in dark areas.
    You could use it to see at night when something was up.
    The invention of the light bulb enables us to be able to conduct work at night. This greatly improves productivity, enhances the quality of our life, and reduces crime rates.
    Electric Light
  • Airplane, The Wright Brothers

    Airplane, The Wright Brothers
    Flew over seas and took you to destination faster.
    Was a faster way of transportation.
    Airplanes are capable of transporting people and parcels to the other side of the world in less than a day. Airplanes deliver supplies quickly to remote locations in emergency situations and restock military operations.