steam engine
sense the coal mines where flooded out by waterIt was invented to help pump water out of coal mine. -
flying shuttle
It helped weavers go faster with weaving. Made cloths faster. -
spinning jenny
cloth was made fasterfor clothes. -
amarican revlution starts
water powered loom
it made it faster to weave thread. was able to use mor thread to weave -
french revolution starts
cottin gin
made it easer to rmove seads from cotton. -
french revlution end
it was supossed to make a long distaint talking. it led to the making of the telograugh. -
made schoolind easy and letters typed faster. -
it was made for a leverage to tighten bolts. helped make things more safe. -
opium war begin in china
it made it easer to keep papers together. made it easer to carry paper in the wind. -
irish potato famine
chinese taiping rebellion
crimean war begins
sepoy mutiny in india
itakian unifcation begins
made it faster travel. -
us civil war starts
its ment for mining. later became part as warfar. -
meiji reform japan
franco-prussian begins
light bulb
light up streets and homes. made it safer to move at night. -
wilhelm 2 becomes german kaiser
it was slow moving and low powered. helps small bisnesses light the shop its like a genorater. -
motion picture
made it posible to watch telivision and watch people live. -
spanish american war
boer war
boxer rebellion in china
powered airplane
faster travel. made it possible to fly over seas. -
russo japanese war
modal T
made faster ground travel.more people transpetation. -