Industrial Revolution

  • Textile Mills

    Textile Mills
    Samuel Slater took his skills in designing and constructing factories to New England. He was soon engaged in reproducing the textile mills that helped America with its own industrial revolution.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The modern mechanical cotton gin was invented in the United States of America in 1793 by Eli Whitney. Cotton could be processed 50 times faster. Whitney THOUGHT the cotton gin would reduce the need for slaves.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    PARTS of products could be replaced instead of the WHOLE product. Factories were needed to mass produce interchangeable parts. At his armory he pioneered the use of interchangeable parts and the milling machine.
  • Steamboat

    American inventor Robert Fulton, whose invention of the first commercially viable steamboat helped to transform the 19th century U.S. A steamboat is a boat in which the primary method of marine propulsion is steam power.
  • National Road

    National Road
    In 1806 Congress authorized construction of the road and President Jefferson signed the act establishing the National Road. The National Road, in many places known as Route 40, was built between 1811 and 1834 to reach the western settlements.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    After more than two years of digging, the 425-mile Erie Canal was opened on October 26, 1825, by Governor Clinton. Ingenious method of communication was used to inform New York City of the historic occasion.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    McCormick invented another significant agricultural invention that revolutionized farming: the mechanical reaper. Prior to this invention, reaping was a painstaking process (done by hand with a scythe) that limited a farm's harvest.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    The Steel Plow was used for farming to break up tough soil without soil getting stuck. The invention was made by inventor John Deere. And this made it easier for farmers could plow larger pieces of land.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The inventor Elias Howe, he helped turn manufactured cloth into clothing. It was used for fixing clothes at a factory use, and on production lines. The sewing machine was created in September 10,1846.