Industrial revolution

  • James Hargreaves

    James Hargreaves
    James Hargreaves Invented the Spinning Jenny which allows seamstresses to be able to make more spools of thread. This made working easier for seamstresses because it was faster and more efficient. Thanks to James, seamstresses had much more time on their hands to get other things done. This month and they also could
  • Cotten gin

    Cotten gin
    Eli Whitney created the Cottongin which made cotton deseeding more efficient. This also kick started a lot of cotton sales in the United States at the time.
  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton
    Robert Fulton created the first public steamboat area. This became an attraction for people who were in the area which was the Hudson river in New York.
  • Textile mills

    Textile mills
    The Boston Manufacturing Company builds its first textile mill in Waltham, Massachusetts. This would be the beginning of mistreatment of people.
  • Railway

    Railways in Liverpool are open to the public. This makes it more efficient for people to travel further distances and shorter amounts of time.
  • Congress passes the Fair Labor Standards Act

    Congress passes the Fair Labor Standards Act
    The fair labor act basically says if a man and the woman are doing the same work then they should be paid like they are doing the same work. This also means that children were no longer allowed to work under a certain age and if they did they were paid for what they did.