Industrial Revolution

  • Mutual-Aid Societies

    Mutual-Aid Societies
    This particular system was created by Absalom Jones and Richard Allen in 1778. This was mainly used to focus and improve on the social living of the people. This does create a system that each country could be able to aid each other to help their people for the better.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    He is an British civil engineer that worked on locomotives. His most promising invention is the steam locomotive itself. This train improves the transportation of goods and resources across the nation, from farthest East to farthest West.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Created in 1794 by Eli Whitney as the cotton industry was slow and not as efficient at that time. The Cotton Gin speed up the process of cotton by removing seeds from the cotton. This made the production easier and faster.
  • Utilitarianism

    This is a theory about the oversight of actions, determining the right from wrong through outcomes. This theory was developed by Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century. The idea has helped us to understand what will be the right actions to take later time and create laws to help the people to make right choices in life.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Mainly an English Naturalist that studied on the natural processes. He came up with several theories to indicate how species came to be up to our time. His most recognizable is the theory of Natural Selection, a theory explaining how genetics could change over time.
  • Corporations

    The idea was introduced into the Industrial Revolution in 1813, in Great Britain. The idea was the fusion of two or more businesses becoming one larger company that work together. These corporations become more viable to regain stable economics across a nation.
  • Henry Bessemer

    Henry Bessemer
    He is an English inventor, working on steel-making process. He created an effective technique for creating steel whenever it is most urgent, it's known as Bessemer Converter. This become very important for majority of the industry that rely on effective steels and quick work.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    He is was an American Inventor and businessmen that worked on electricity. He created devices that has great importance of the improvements of technology. One of his are the light bulb, which create lights help people to see the surroundings.
  • Germ Theory

    Germ Theory
    Thought within the 1860's, it was created by Robert Koch after several experiments with micro-organisms. This theory was an idea that microscopic organisms could potentially cause diseases that had ravaged the nation. This become an important idea for the medical field that helped them to create medicines and vaccines.
  • Social Gospel

    Social Gospel
    It is a movement that pushed the attention to the poor, started in the 1870's. Washington Gladden was the initial pioneer for the movement. This movement helped to make society to become aware and improve on conditions for the poor.
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Guglielmo Marconi
    He is an Italian inventor and electric engineer. He created a device that could able to use radio waves across couple kilometers without much trouble. This invention brings a new age for faster and far reaching communications between people.
  • Socialism

    Socialism becomes a movement where the public takes actions rather than the government. The act was sparked by the reaction of the capitalist systems. This leads the improvements of working class and forming a better society.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    This was originally introduced in the 1880's by Herbert Spencer. It was about implement the ideas from Darwin himself to the social laws and the laws of nature. This address inequality within society and helped people to gain strong justifications for their existence.
  • Airplane

    The first successful airplane was created in 1903 by the Wright Brothers. This brings the eventual improvements of transportation of goods and people alike across the nation.
    This was, however, just the simple model that is prone to winds and moister.
  • Automobile

    The first ever mobile vehicle that run primary on fuel itself. This was invented by Henry Ford in 1908, specifically to show for a group of audiences. This first development of road vehicles help influence for better roads and transportations.