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    Middle Ages in Europe

    Middle Ages in Europe
    The middle ages in Europe were not very exciting on the industrial side of things but did eventually start creating factories and monasteries ( Editors). In the middle ages, Europe was in a feudal system, and life was very good for those who remained stagnant in it ( Editors). Later in the middle ages, work doubled in mills mines, and factories throughout Europe ( Editors).
  • Before the Revolution

    Before the Industrial Revolution, work was conducted mainly at home or in a nearby workshop ( Editors). The food for his family was grown in the family garden ( Editors). The Industrial Revolution would greatly change lives and the development of factories ( Editors).
  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    John Kay, this inventor had created an amazing invention in 1733 called the flying shuttle ( Editors). The flying shuttle was a loom to make the creation of clothes a lot easier and sped up the process of weaving clothes together ( Editors). Following that, the flying shuttle greatly increased the production of cloth ( Editors).
  • Industrial Revolution: Beginning

    Industrial Revolution: Beginning
    A dramatic change was brought upon the industrial revolution ( Editors). The production of articles greatly changed ( Editors). The Industrial Revolution had also begun in the mid-1750s in England ( Editors).
  • The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    In the Industrial Revolution, an invention named the Printing Press was made by John Gutenberg around the 1750s ( Editors). The printing press' job was that it would copy something and print it on a piece of paper ( Editors). The first-ever thing printed to the press was the Bible, making it affordable to the common man ( Editors).
  • Development of factories

    The work-life had greatly changed with people working at home, and machines becoming too large and too expensive to keep at home ( Editors). With this issue at hand, people started making big sheds called factories to store and use their machines for work ( Editors). But worker often had to travel great distances to work or to relocate near the factory ( Editors)
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    Following John Kay's invention came James Hargreaves's invention, the spinning jenny, it was used for more efficient spinning wheels to make the thread needed for weaving ( Editors). This new machine could spin eight times as much thread as a normal spinning wheel ( Editors). Eventually, the flying shuttle and the spinning jenny were both improved and were replaced by better machines later on ( Editors).
  • Cotton Cost

    The Cotton Cost had greatly increased due to the cost of slavery in America at the time ( Editors). To help with this cost, the Cotton Gin was made ( Editors). With that, stores could purchase cotton for much less and sell clothing for a much more affordable price ( Editors).
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney was just a colonial school teacher and gun maker until he created one of the most amazing inventions the world has ever seen, the Cotton Gin ( Editors). Eli Whitney thought that instead of having a man pick only a few pounds of cotton a day, he could collect fifty pounds a day ( Editors). Eli Whitney began experimenting with a machine that separated cotton seeds from the lint ( Editors).
  • Energy Sources

    The power of the machine made the industrial age awesome ( Editors). Physical and strong men were outmatched by the power of machines in the industry ( Editors). As automatic machines had become very famous, their power potential greatly increased ( Editors).