Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Period: to
The Food Crisis
Food shortages caused lower wages for labor which meant poor families. -
Period: to
Weather Problems
Bad weather caused a reduction in crops which caused a food riot to break out. -
Help on the Way
Speenhamland was devised to help the poor. -
Food Riots
High prices on food leaked out food riots in the economy. -
Period: to
Trade Unions
Period: to
Damaging of textile machines
Time Limits Set
The Parliament limits the amount of hours children can work. -
Smart Tech
There was a mass production and investments in labor saving machines such as the threshing machine. -
Another Act
Trade Unions were now legalized for workers. -
The Execution
Riots in the South and East of England caused 19 people to be executed, and 505 to be sentenced to Transportation of Australian Colonies. -
'Swing Riots'
Swing riots caused damage to a farm machine. -
The Ban
Children under the legal age of nine were not permitted to apply for a job. -
Spwwnhamland system was abolished. -
The Poor
The poor were forced to live in work houses. -
The Ban on Women
An Act prevented all women from being able to apply for for a job at coal mines. Boys under the age of ten were also banned from coal mine related work employment. -
Health Boards
Health boards were put around cities which gave them a boost in sanitation -
Trade Unions
Trade unions were given an official legal status. -
Even more Acts
This Act limited the amount of hours a person could work in a factory. -
Health Boards Upgraded
Health boards were allocated to control water supply and sewerage systems.