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Industrial Revolution

By Syifa
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    The spinning jenny, invented by James hardgreaves greatly impacted the textile industry. The machine was a process of cotton spinning and was a quicker and easier way to produce cloth. The spinning jenny could spin eight threads at once.
  • steam engine

    steam engine
    The steam engine was a device powered by coal use to run machines at useful rate. The steam engine had a major effect to the England economy through its use of mining, transportation and factories.
  • cotton Grin

    cotton Grin
    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin engine, the cotton grin machine helped reduce the time to separate cotton seed from cotton fiber. The cotton gin reduced the need for slave to pick and grow cotton and they were labored on larger plantation work area.
  • elevator break

    elevator break
    Elise Otis created a safety device for elevators, the elevator used to be dangerous but with the invention of the the elevator break, it prevents passengers from falling if the elevator rope snaps or fails.
  • sewing Machine

    sewing Machine
    Elias Howe invented the sewing machine, it was used to fix clothing at a factories and on production line. it used to be done by hand but the machine made sewing much easier and faster, people make blankets and clothes.
  • Dynamite

    Alfred Nobel important dynamite invention introduced a stronger explosive. The dynamite helps us get things like construction, demolition and mining done quickly as it can explode areas.
  • The light bulb

    The light bulb
    Thomas Edison light bulb invention allowed factories to run in the night. Thomas wasn't the first to invent the light bulb but he was more known for it because his light bulb lasted longer than the other ones.
  • telegraph

    The telegraph was a useful invention for long distance connection back in the industrial revolution times. Samuel Morse who invented the telegraph sent his first message form Washington to Baltimore, Maryland.
  • powered aircraft

    powered aircraft
    The Wright brothers invented the first successful airplane. The plane had flight for only 12 second but their fourth flight lasted about 59 seconds. Their invention impacted the future of transporting people and things to the other side of the world very quickly.
  • model t car

    model t car
    The model T car is a vehicle invented by Henry Ford and was created in the industrial revolution. The Model T car was one of the most useful car in the history because it was the first car to be sold for cheap price and made it easy for people to travel to places.