Industrial reolution

Industrial Revolution

  • First Central Bank Established

    First Central Bank Established
    The First Central Bank of England was established and acted as a banker to the government. This bank was primarily founded to fund the war effort against France.
  • Invention of Steam Engine

    Invention of Steam Engine
    Thomas Newcomen invents the first steam engine. At this time it is not very useful yet.
  • Invention of Flying Shuttle

    Invention of Flying Shuttle
    The Flying Shuttle was invented by John Kay which increased the speed of weaving operations as well as allowing a single weaver to weave wider fabrics.
  • Invention of Spinning Jenny

    Invention of Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny was invented by James Hargreaves which was made to spin more than one ball of thread at a time. This made making cloth easier and faster.
  • Improved Steam Engine

    Improved Steam Engine
    James Watt made a more efficient steam engine which was important in the Industrial Revolution because it powered the first trains, steamboats, and factories.
  • Invention of the Water Frame

    Invention of the Water Frame
    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame which allowed spinning machines to be hooked up to a water wheel and water became the power source used for spinning.
  • The Wealth of Nations Published

    The Wealth of Nations Published
    Adam Smith wrote this book otherwise known as "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" was written to upend the mercantilist system
  • Invention of the Power Loom

    Invention of the Power Loom
    Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom which replaced the Flying Shuttle. This machine improved the speed and quality of weaving.
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney. This machine made it easier to separate the cotton seeds from the cotton fiber.
  • Coal Mined in Great Britain

    Coal Mined in Great Britain
    10 million tons of coal were mined in Great Britain which was beneficial because it was used to power steam engines, heat buildings, and generate electricity
  • Railway Constructed

    Railway Constructed
    George Stephenson was commissioned to construct a 30-mile railway from Liverpool to Manchester.
  • Stephenson's Rocket

    Stephenson's Rocket
    Stephenson's "Rocket" was the world's first modern steam locomotive.
  • Factory Act

    Factory Act
    This act was passed to improve the working conditions of children in factories. It stated that no children under nine years of age could work in the factories.
  • Invention of the Telegraph

    Invention of the Telegraph
    The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse, which allowed messages to be sent quickly over a wire.
  • Invention of the Sewing Machine

    Invention of the Sewing Machine
    Elias Howe invented the sewing machine which allowed for clothes to be made in large factories rather than being made by hand in the homes of people.
  • General Board of Health

    General Board of Health
    British governments set this up to investigate sanitary conditions such as ensuring safe water in the cities
  • Outbreak of Cholera

    Outbreak of Cholera
    Britain was hit by a cholera outbreak which was caused by contaminated water
  • Processing of Steel Invented

    Processing of Steel Invented
    The process of making steel out of iron was invented by Henry Bessemer. Doing this made steel cheaper and helped the production of building which lead to growth of cities.
  • Development of Vaccines for Diseases

    Development of Vaccines for Diseases
    Louis Pasteur created vaccines that helped prevent many common diseases such as cholera, anthrax, and rabies, which helped people live longer
  • Telephone Patented

    Telephone Patented
    Alexander Graham Bell gets a patent for the telephone, which greatly changed the way that the world communicates