Industrial Revolution

  • Cotton Mills were first to open in England

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule

  • Samuel Slater brought the textile machinery designs to the United States

  • Eli Whitney came up with the idea of interchangeable parts

  • Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin

  • George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive

  • William & John Cockerill brought the Industrial Revolution to Belgium

    by developing machine shops at liege
  • Embargo Act of 1807 was signed

  • War of 1812 "Mr. Madison's War"; "The Second American Revolution"

  • Treaty of Ghent was signed to end the War of 1812

  • Industrial Revolution became popular in the US

  • England's Liverpool and Manchester Railway became the first to offer regular timetabled passenger services

  • Anesthetic was invented

  • France had become an industrial power but was behind Britain

  • First ever synthetic dye was created by William Perkin