Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Bessemer process
It is the first inexpensive process for mass production of streal from molten pig iron. It was invented ant patented by Henry Bessemer. -
Edwin Drake
He drilled 69 and a half feet deep into the ground of Titusvill and discovered oil. -
Mother Jones
Mother Jones was a fighter for the workers rights. She was once named the most dangerouse woman in america by the district attorny. Because of how hard she worked it inspired many others to join the struggle. -
Christopher Sholes
He was an inventer the invented the first typewriter. He was also a newspaper publisher and a polititian in Wisconsin. -
Transcontinental Railroad completed
This is the connecting of railroads between states.This was very important and helped many Americans. -
John D. Rockefeller
He was the founder of the Standard Oil company which was the top oil company. This was also the United States first big trust. -
Alexander Grahm Bell
He was a scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who created the first practical telephone. -
Credit Mobilier Scandal
Union Pacific executive Thomas Durant got the scandal going. many people joined in on this illigal act and made a large profit of the railways illigally. -
Munn v. Illinois
This was a case taken to the surpreme court because Munn was found guilty in Illinois for breaking the state law of fixing of maximum charges for storage of grain. -
Thomas Edison
He was an inventor and a buisness man and he invented the photograph, motion picture, and most importantly the light bulb. He was credited with the first industrial reasearch labratory. -
Haymarket Riot
This was a protest rally on pay cuts in Chicago neer haymarket square.It was being wraped up when someone threw a bomb at poliece killing 7 officers. Eight radical labor activists were convicted and killed. -
Interstate Commerce Act
This was the first time the goverment steped in to take control of teh railways. They used to be privatly owen making it a monopoly so the government took controll. -
Sherman Antitrust Act
This was and act passes to end all trusts. It waa named after senator Sherman of Ohio and gave congress the power to regulate interstate commerce. -
J.P Morgan
He merged Edison General Electric and Thomas-Houston Electric to form General Electric. In 1902 he also merged Carnegie Steal Company with several other steal and iron companies to form the United States Steal Corperation. -
Homestead Strike
Andrew Carnegie was a steal plant owner and his workers went on strike. The strike ended with many men dead or wounded and ruined Carnegie's reputation. -
Pullman Strike
This was a conflict between the American Railway Union. It began in Pullman, Illinois when about 4,000 workers of Pullman Palace Car Company started a wide spread strike over pay cuts. -
Wright Brothers
Orville Wright recorded the first flight of 12 seconds and 120 feet. His brother Wilbur had the second flight of 59 seconds and 852 feet. They began there experements in 1896 and then in 1903 they had over 700 succesfull flights. -
Lochner v. NY Decision
This was a law brought to the surpreme court saying bakers could only work 10 hour days and 60 hour weeks. The surpreme court rejected this law because they did not think it was neccesary. -
Henry Ford
Ford made a car the was not to expensive but was still functionable. He created the model-T and sold it for $825 and 10 thousand were sold so he droped the price to $575. He owened 48% of the automobile market. -
Eugene Debs
He was a very inflential leader of the labor movement. He opposed Woodrow Wilson as the social part candidate. He continued to protest Wilson and was imprisoned for it.