Indigenous Studies Timeline

  • Period: 50,000 BCE to

    Pre colonisation

  • Dutch First recorded landfall

  • James Cook chartered the east coast. australia was dubbed terra nullius

  • The arrival of the first fleet

  • Period: to

    Terra nullius

  • Period: to

    colonial wars

    conflicts and massacres of indigenous peoples
  • 467 convicts landed in sorrento - avid collins

  • John Batman purchased land in Narrm (melbourne)

  • Period: to

    port phillip aboriginal protectorate

    he primary directives of the Protectors was to protect the Aboriginal people in their districts and to 'civilise' them, in other words to minimize conflicts between European settlers and Aboriginal people, and to help Aboriginal people take up the European way of life.
  • conistan massacre

  • voting rights

  • yirrukala bark petition

    wrote to the government over land rights to mining areas
  • 1967 referendum

    acknowledging aboriginals in the census
    and removing them from the fauna and flora act
    gave power to the federal government to make laws regarding indigenous people
  • Period: to

    the aboriginal tent embassy

  • Period: to

    report into indigenous deaths in custody

  • Period: to

    The northern territory intervention

    as a package of changes to welfare provision, law enforcement, land tenure and other measures, introduced by the Australian federal government under John Howard in 2007 to address allegations of rampant child sexual abuse and neglect in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities.
  • apology to stolen generations

    Kevin Rudds apology to the stolen generations