Cook Comes
Caption Cook calles australia ‘terra nullius' thinking there is no one els on the land -
First Fleet
Arrival of the First Fleet and the beginning of British invasion. Aboriginal
population estimated at between 750 000 to 1 million. In May the first conflict
between the First Fleet arrivals and Aborigines takes place near Rushcutters
Bay, Sydney. Two convicts are killed. -
White Australia Policy
The phrase ‘White Australia Policy’ appeared in William Lane’s Boomerang in
Brisbane. -
Commonwealth of Australia formed. Aboriginal people are excluded from the
census and the lawmaking powers of the Commonwealth Parliament.
The Commonwealth Constitution states “in reckoning the numbers of people...
Aboriginal natives shall not be counted”. It also states that the Commonwealth
would legislate for any race except Aborigines. The states therefore retain
their power over Aboriginal Affairs. -
The Invalid and Old Age Pension Act provides social security for all
Australians except Aborigines -
Start of the stolen age
Aborigines Protection Act 1909 gives APB the power to remove
Aboriginal children from their families. -
radiation sickness
Atomic tests, code named Operation Totem, are conducted at Emu, South
Australia. A black cloud passes leaving many Aboriginal people suffering
radiation sickness. -
All Aboriginal people are given the vote in Commonwealth elections. -
91% of Australian voters vote YES in a Referendum to count Aboriginal
people in the census and give the Commonwealth the power to make laws for
Aboriginal people. -
Sorry Speach
Kevin Rudd says sorry to all the aboriginals and the aboriginies of the stolen age