1000 BCE
They originated from wild tropical plants. Bananas were cultivated in South Asia and moved to Africa. -
1000 BCE
Sugar cane
Sugar is a wonderful luxury for cooking and sweetening. During the next few centuries, sugar would spread widely with trade, conquest and migration. -
Period: 1000 BCE to 300
Classical Era
Classical Era ran from 1000 BCE to 300 CE -
Period: 1000 BCE to 1 CE
Navigation By Polaris
Phoenicians first used this to navigate the Indian Ocean. They looked a static star which they called the "Phoenician Star" or what we see as the modern day North Star. -
Period: 858 BCE to 824 BCE
Obelisk of Shalmaneser III
The pillar contains carvings telling the story of military campaigns and items that were given in tribute to the king as a result of these campaigns -
Period: 610 BCE to 595 BCE
Pharaoh Necho II
His statue is shown in the image, began building a canal linking the Nile River and the Red Sea, called the Arabian Gulf by Herodotus. -
600 BCE
Trade Network
Three large trade networks, the Silk Road, the Indian Ocean trade, and the Saharan trade. -
Period: 600 BCE to 450 BCE
The Phoenicians dominated trade. They lived in the coastal areas of southern Syria and Lebanon, establishing major cities like Tyre, Sidon, Byblos and Arwad. -
Period: 600 BCE to 300 BCE
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism spread across the Bay of Bengal to Southeast Asia. -
Period: 510 BCE to 515 BCE
Scylax of Caryanda
He did a lot of traveling and was able to write a voyage book for mariners about his travels. -
500 BCE
One of the oldest spices, Cinnamon found it's way across the Golf of Aden because of the trade winds and monsoons. -
500 BCE
The Silk road led to the religion of Buddhism. -
336 BCE
Alexander The Great
A great leader and warrior was able to defeat the Persian Empire and extend the Greek Rule across lands in the Middle East and Asia. -
Period: 271 BCE to 232 BCE
Ashoka, one of the most famous Indian emperors, converted to Buddhism and worked to spread the religion. -
Period: 206 BCE to 220 BCE
Cloves were a very important part of the spice trade, connecting the islands of Southeast Asia to the Asian mainland and other distant regions. -
Period: 206 BCE to 23
Chhien Han Shu
Focuses on trade with Iran and an area referred to as the "South Seas." -
Period: 200 BCE to 150 BCE
Egyptian faience bowl
Pottery made with blue-green ceramic glaze. Theses were an export for Egypt. -
Period: 100 BCE to 200 BCE
Pearls, which are produced by oysters and must be fished out of the sea, were a favorite of wealthy Romans. -
64 BCE
Strabo The Geographer
He was a scholar who traveled to read scholarships of others -
Period: 64 BCE to 23 BCE
Sabaeans of Southern arabia
The city of the Sabaeans, Marib, is situated upon a well-wooded mountain. Cinnamon and herbs with fragrant smells -
Period: 26 BCE to 206 BCE
Silk Road
Silk was a hot commodity in trade. Spun naturally from the silk worm it was used to make many things but mainly clothing. -
Kaveripattanam was the capital and major port city of the early Chola kings of the Tamil state -
Greek Coin Currency
The Greek coin.