Indian Ocean Trade

  • 90,000 BCE

    Migration to India

    Humans left Africa and migrated down to India
  • 75,000 BCE

    Mt. Toba

    Mt. Toba erupted in Sumartra causing mash death to human and animals and causing a volcanic winter.
  • 73,000 BCE

    Blombos Cave

    Archaeologists found remains of what it looks like to be decorative jewelry
  • 50,000 BCE

    Cultural development

    Humans started developing trade, tools, and language.
  • 26,000 BCE

    Pottery Art

    Humans started firing clay, making small figurines.
  • 20,000 BCE


    Humans began heating up flint before chipping them and making them tools.
  • 13,000 BCE

    Bows and Arrows

    Bows and arrows were created, making it easier for hunters to gather meat.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Indian Rock Art

    The earliest form of Indian rock art, dating back to between 10,000 to 6000 BCE
  • 8000 BCE

    Ice Age

    When the last ice age ended
  • 8000 BCE

    The island of New Guinea

    Bananas and Lapita ceramics were abundance
  • 7500 BCE


    Global warming caused the sea levels to rise, causing what we know as Japan today to separate from the Asian Continent.
  • 7000 BCE


    Farming begins
  • 5000 BCE

    Early Cities

    Villages were in the making during this period, so were irrigation techniques.
  • 4000 BCE

    Austronesian Migration

    Human migration across south east Asia into Polynesia
  • 3500 BCE

    Bronze Age

    The beginning of the bronze age
  • 3300 BCE


    Humans started developing a written language system
  • 3300 BCE


    Mesopotamia started using symbols for writing
  • 3000 BCE

    The first boats

    The Harrappan civilization made the first boats due to their constant trade with Mesopotamia
  • 2600 BCE

    Game of Twenty Squares

    The first board game
  • 2600 BCE


    Primarily in Anatolia and used for art and jewelry, silver was traded out to Mesopotamia
  • 2469 BCE

    Great Pyramids

    The great pyramids were built around this time in Egypt.
  • 2300 BCE

    The first empire

    King Sargon conquers and unites most of Mesopotamia, Iran and Syria, creating the first empire
  • 2030 BCE


    Thebes became the capital of Egypt
  • 2000 BCE

    Solar Calendar

    Egypt officially made the 365 day calendar using the sun for dating
  • 1750 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    The shang Dynasty begins
  • 1600 BCE

    Chinese Bronze Age

    The Shang Dynasty begins to make jade carvings and metalworks, beginning the chinese bronze age
  • 1550 BCE

    Egypt flourishes

    Egypt becomes the wealthiest thanks to trade, military victories and diplomacy
  • 1200 BCE

    The fall of Egypt

    Humans started to use Iron, allowing raids from the sea to hit Egypt, causing them to fall.
  • 1000 BCE

    Camel for trade

    Camels were being used to trade goods throughout egypt, east africa, and southern arabia
  • 1000 BCE


    Pepper was found in India, and used for both food and medicine.
  • 1000 BCE


    Silk became a primary trade for China, along with spices, glass, metalwork, and other textiles, and were traded along a series of roads, called the 'silk road'.
  • 500 BCE


    Hanno sailed around the western coast of Africa, founded several cities and a trade post along the coasts of Morocco and Mauritian
  • 440 BCE


    Cinnamon is found by Herodotus
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Declared king, had the largest army of this time, conquering lands across western and central Asia, Egypt, and Indus valley. Also founded city of Alexandria in Egypt which became one of the most important trade posts during the classical period.
  • 140 BCE

    Zhang Qian

    Helped pioneer the silk road and open up trade routes to and from China.