
Indian Nationalism Timeline

  • Sepoys Rebellion

    Sepoys Rebellion
    The sepoys rebelled, they were joined by Indian soldiers stationed there. The first time it was bloody, then they marched to Delhi. Many europeans were also murdered at Cawnpore. They finally had their revenge and it was with no mercy killing many europeans with cannons and other weapons. This was said as the first battles for the Indian independence.
  • East India Company

    East India Company was the leading power in India. The British government took direct command of India. The part of India that was under direct British rule was called the Raj.
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    Indian National Congress was an Indian political party. It was proposed to help with improvement of economics and wanted to have a bigger role with helping the British ruling in India. It had the biggest impact in the Indian movement for their independence.
  • Life as a Lawyer

    Gandhi doesn’t do well as a lawyer in India.
  • Muslim League

    Muslim League
    Muslim League was was made to help out indians. At the beginning the league favored the British so they encouraged it because it helped people follow their laws. It was a political organization to protect the rights of Muslims in India.
  • Ending Protests

    Gandhi and Smuts reach an agreement, ending the protests.
  • Indian return from war

    Indian return from war
    Indian soldiers returned from the war. They Britain would finally treated as they deserved. But instead, they were once again treated as low class citizens.
  • Rowlatt Acts

    Rowlatt Acts
    The British passed the Rowlatt Acts. This was made so that the British had greater power. This allowed certain cases to be made without juries.
  • Armistice Massacre

    There was a protest because of the arrest of leaders of the indian congress. It was a peaceful protest until the general arrived with his troop and opened fire at the ones protesting. Thousands of people were killed including children and women.
  • Revolts and Protests

    Revolts and Protests
    The British arrested many Indians who had participated in revolts and protests. The Congress Party supported civil disobedience, refusal to obey an unjust law, and non violence as the means to achieve independence.
  • President of National Congress

    Despite not being involved in politics for a long time, Gandhi becomes president of the Indian National Congress.
  • Salt Law

    Salt Law
    Gandhi broke the salt law by picking up grains of salt. This had a great impact in the Indian independence. This caused large numbers of Indians to join the fight.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Gandhi publishes the Declaration of Independence of India.
  • Ghandi arrested and fasts

    Gandhi is arrested for making people want to rebel, and held without a trial. Gandhi fasts in prison to protest the unfairness.
  • British Parliament

    British Parliament
    The British Parliament passed an act that an act that included self government, and democratic elections, but they still didn’t have complete independence.
  • Iran

    Reza Shah Pahlavi (Persia leader) changed the name of the country from Persia to Iran.
  • House of Commons

    The British House of Commons passed an act that made India and Pakistan independent countries, both in one month difference.
  • Gandhi Assasination

    Gandhi Assasination
    A Hindu shot and killed Gandhi. Ceylon gained its independence from Britain.
  • Chaos

    India is full chaos and killings, as Hindus and Muslims flee for the borders of India and Pakistan.