India Timeline

By abellis
  • India Independence

    India gains its Indepence from Great Britian after Worl War II. The Prevention of Dedication Act is adopted which made it illegal for girls to be dedicated to Hindu Temples (prositution).
  • Article 17

    Untouchability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden.
  • Immoral Traffic Prevention Act

    The law was intended as a means of limiting and eventually abolishing prostitution in India by gradually criminalising various aspects of sex work.
  • Neo-Liberal Policies Adopted

    Economic reform programs begin by Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao and Finance Minister Manmohan Sing.
  • Onion Crisis

    Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Government voted out of power in Delhi due to inability to control rising onion prices
  • Nuclear Tests

    India carries out nuclear tests, leading to widespread international condemnation.
  • Population of 1 billion

    India population hits 1 billion people.
  • Congress Party Wins Elections

    Former Finance Minster Manmohan Singh is sworn in as prime minister
  • UN Security Council

    India launches an application for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
  • Rural Job Reforms

    India's largest-ever rural jobs scheme is launched, aimed at lifting around 60 million families out of poverty. Millions of Indians depend on the farming sector
  • India Launches into Space

    India's first commercial space rocket is launched, carrying an Italian satellite.
  • GDP Growth

    Government announces its strongest economic growth figures for 20 years. India had a GDP increase of 9.4%.
  • India and Russia

    India and Russia sign deals worth $700m, according to which Moscow will supply uranium to Delhi.
  • Gay Marriage Ruled Legal

    A Delhi court rules that homosexual intercourse between consenting adults is not criminal, overturning a 148-year-old colonial law.
  • Onion Famine

    An onion shortage causes onion prices to raise.
  • India Population Increase

    Results of 2011 census put India's population at 1.21bn, an increase of 181 million over ten years.
  • India Largest Importer of Arms

    India overtakes China to become the world's largest importer of arms, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
  • Rape in India

    A court sentences four men to death for the gang rape and murder of a student in Delhi the previous December - a case that led to violent protests across India and new laws against rape.