
India 1612-1947

  • 1st British presence in India

    1st British presence in India
    The East India Company opens a trading post on India's north west-coast.
  • Period: to

    EAC influence grows

    Two more trading posts created and India became an important producer of resources. Other European powers participated in some trade aswell. The EAC trading posts become forts and the company gained the favor of the Mughal Emperors. Increased British influence and European wars drove other powers out of India. By the early 1850s The East India Company was more powerful than the emperor himself, controlling some 60 percent of the nation.
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    Sepoy Rebellion

    Rumors had spread amongst the Sepoys, Indian soldeirs under british officers, that the amunition had materials made from pigs in it. This started off rebellion that had been brewing for a while. 10,000 British troops put down the rebellion.
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    British Raj period

    period of direct brittish rule over india.
    Brittish took over for eac after sepoy rebellion
  • Period: to

    Life of Mohandus Ghandi

    Resisted british rule in South Africa and India
    His nonviolent methods made him one of the most influential political videos of the twentieth century.
  • Founding of the Indian National Congress

    Founding of the Indian National Congress
    Meeting of delegates from across British India
    75 percent Hindu. 2 percent Muslims.
  • British division of Bengal

    British division of Bengal
    The British divided the Bengal province in order to ease governing it.
    Since the division created a Muslim majority in one of the new provinces it faced serious oposition and boycotts form Hindus across the nation.
  • Creation of the All-India Muslim League

    Creation of the All-India Muslim League
    Created to protect muslim rights in India
    Suposed to balance the power of the hindu dominated Inddain National Congress.
  • Reunification of Bengal

    British officials reunified Bengal.
    Restored power and prestige of Indian National Congress who had lost it due to not being able undo the split.
    Muslims leaders felt betrayed.
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    World War One

    About 1.3 million Indian troops served in the conflict on every major front.
    Some hesitation of going to war with Ottoman Empire from Indian Muslims.
  • Massacre at Amristar

    After a series of very unpopular laws were passed nation wide protests began.
    Two nationalist leaders were arrested at a huge protest rally in Amritstar.
    When the protesters demanded their leaders release british troops fired on them killing several protestors.
    After which the protesters rioted.
    The British then banned public assemblies.
  • Ghandi's first Satyagraha movement begins

    Ghandi's first Satyagraha movement begins
    Nonviolent resistence
    Civil Disobediance
    Passive resistence
  • Ghandi's Secound Satyagraha Movement

    Very similar to the first.
    High point was salt march of 1930.
  • Period: to

    World War Two

    Britian declared war fo India
    India demanded Independance in return for suport in the war.
    The British offered Indepedance after the war. The INC was weary of Brittish promises and declined. It began a violent resistance campaign. British troops crushed the uprising.
    INC leaders arrested.
    Muslim League supported the war in every way possible.
    the Muslim League asked the British for a seperate nation for muslims in any plan for India's independance.
  • India and Pakistan gain Independance

    India and Pakistan gain Independance
    15 million people flee their homes to be on the right side of the border.
    Up to a million people die in religious violence that accompanied the migration.