Short Term Goal Step 1:
Do not go shopping! -
Short Term Goal Step 2:
Put my check from work in the bank ASAP! -
Short Term Goal Step 3:
Do not eat out! -
Short Term Goal Step 4:
Keep track of money -
Short Term Goal Step 5:
Do extra work around house to get allowance -
Short Term SMART Goal
S- I plan to save money for a prom dress.
M- I plan to save $200 for my prom dress
A- I'm going to work more hours
R- TO: Go out less / OC: Miss hanging with friends
T- March 20th, 2018 -
Long Term Step 1:
Keep reciepts to keep track of money -
Long Term Step 2:
Do not spend money on pointless things -
Long Term Step 3:
Find good deals/dicsounts -
Long Term Step 5:
Balance checkbook twice a week -
Long Term Step 4:
Get a second job if needed -
Long Term SMART Goal
S- I plan to save money for a house
M- I plan to save about $6000,000 for a house
A- Im going to work more hours and spend less
R- TO: Go out less / OC: Miss time with friends
T- June 20, 2028