Independent Living Assignment

By Samsung
  • Move Into An Apartment

    Move Into An Apartment
    Rent and move into an apartment.
    S: Keep working to have money to afford moving into and renting an apartment after I graduate.
    M: Move into an apartment after I graduate and pay for rent and other fees.
    A: Collaborate with friends to help pay for us living in the apartment. R: We all want to have gaming computers and other technology but we have to pay the bills and other fees before anything else.
    T: We all want to move in within a year from now so probably by next June or July.
  • Short Term Goal

    Short Term Goal
    Purchase a Gaming PC
    S: Save up some money for the PC.
    M: Save up to $2,000 for the PC.
    A: I will save as much money as possible and any fun money will go to the PC and peripherals.
    R: I don't need a gaming PC right now because my friends and I have xboxes to play on but were all going to switch to PC next year.
    T: I will be purchasing the PC next year sometime. This would be a short term goal.
  • Go on a Cruise

    Go on a Cruise
    Go on a tropical cruise.
    S: I will save money for a cruise.
    M: I will save enough money for the trip.
    A: I will put some money away for a tropical cruise.
    R: I need to pay for other things like the vehicle before putting money away for the cruise.
    T: I will save money for the next year or two towards this cruise.
  • Travel to New Zealand

    Travel to New Zealand
    Travelling to New Zealand.
    S: Save money for a trip to New Zealand.
    M: I'll need at least $2,000 to $3,000 for the entire trip.
    A: I can start putting away money for this trip as soon as I would like.
    R: I have to pay off all the necessary things first before I put too much money away for this trip.
    T: It will be probably two to three years before this is even a possibility.
  • Long Term Goal

    Long Term Goal
    Purchase Blue Tesla Model 3.
    S: I will save for the Tesla.
    M: I will save up to $40,000 for the car.
    A: I will start putting money away for the future.
    R: It will be quite a while before I can even afford the car and I'll have many other things to pay for meanwhile.
    T: I'm hoping to purchase one within 10 years from now but that's why it's definitely a long term goal.